
Thank you for asking.

By the way, which version of Zeppelin are you using?

Moreover, for the first time, it takes time to parse and cache helium.json.
Could you please tell me or add screenshots?

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

2024년 4월 19일 (금) 오전 12:13, Nagesh R <nages...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> Hello Jongyoul,
> How are you?
> I have installed zeppelin on ubuntu and was trying to get the helium
> packages up and running...
> I saw your post on github to change the zeppelin-site.xml file from s3 to
> 'helium,https://zeppelin.apache.org/helium.json'.
> I did that and I still dont see - the packages in the zeppelin UI.
> Can you pl. let me know as to what I am doing wrong?
> Thank You Sir!
> - Nagesh

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

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