I’ve been trying to build zeppelin from the source. 
Ran in to the following error:
[INFO] Compiling 6 source files to 
/opt/zeppelin-0.7.3/zeppelin-display/target/classes at 1507925417280
 error: object xml is not a member of package scala
[INFO] import scala.xml._
[INFO]              ^
 error: not found: type Elem
[INFO]   extends Elem(prefix, label, attributes1, scope, minimizeEmpty, 
child:_*) {
[INFO]           ^

My build command :  mvn -Pmapr51 -Pyarn -Pbuild-distr -Pspark-2.1 -Phadoop-2.7 
-Ppyspark package -DskipTests 

Any ideas? 

Thx in advance…. 

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