Does ActiveMQ work with Java 9? I tried v5.15.2 and JDK9.0.4, activemq fails
to start with exception like below: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class
org.iq80.leveldb.util.ByteBufferSupport cannot access class
jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner (in module java.base) because module java.base does
not export jdk.internal.ref to unnamed module 

I checked Java 9 doc, and found that most internal APIs (from Java 8 &
earlier) will be encapsulated in Java 9 and inaccessible by default (based
on JEP 260), so these internal APIs, which are mostly sun.* APIs, will NOT
be supported any more, and should not be used. 

But activemq.jar uses one of the internal APIs, sun.misc.Cleaner, which is
not supported in Java 9. 

Anyone knows if ActiveMQ supports Java 9 or any workaround for above issue?

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