How do I configure a hierarchical topic address in artemis since 2.0? That is, I want to define a multicast type address 'mytopic' such that I can then subscribe to mytopic/foo or mytopic/bar (or mytopic/#), and these are all treated as parts of the same topic?

If I just have:

         <address name="mytopic">
             <multicast />

Then mytopic/foo is not recognised as a multicast address. (E.g. if I request the 'topic' capability I get amqp:illegal-state: Address mytopic/foo is not configured for topic support).

I've tried adding wildcards to the end of the name in the address config, but that appears not to work. Is there any extra setting I should specify? (The configuration reference in the user guide doesn't seem to document the address element).

(Prior to 2.0 I used to get this behaviour by configuring a dummy queue referencing the base topic name and a filter to prevent any messages actually entering that queue).

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