Re: Creating REST API service from yaml

2018-03-07 Thread Claus Ibsen

If you have any more feedback and ideas for improving that tool you
are welcome to share.

Also we love contributions so code patches / PRs is welcome

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 6:01 PM,   wrote:
> OK, I will wait for XML support in 2.21, and in the mean time, I managed
> to utilize to produce Java REST DSL by dropping
> the unvisible method withGeneratedTime.
> Thank you.
> Btw, I'm puzzled about why Nabble forum displayed a new thread and I have
> sent mail with the exactly same subject as before.
> __
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Claus Ibsen
- @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2:

Creating REST API service from yaml

2018-03-06 Thread hrvoje . djurdjevic
OK, I will wait for XML support in 2.21, and in the mean time, I managed 
to utilize to produce Java REST DSL by dropping 
the unvisible method withGeneratedTime.
Thank you. 
Btw, I'm puzzled about why Nabble forum displayed a new thread and I have 
sent mail with the exactly same subject as before.

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Re: Creating REST API service from yaml

2018-03-05 Thread Claus Ibsen
This will be in the upcoming Camel 2.21 release so wait for that
release to come out

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 4:15 PM,   wrote:
> Hi Claus,
> thank you for your suggestion. I tried to utilize it, however I can't
> figure out how to do it.
> When I tried to compile test java classes found here:
> it complains in about:  "The method
> toXml(Swagger) is undefined for the type RestDslGenerator" , and
> in it complains about: "The method
> withGeneratedTime(Instant) from the type
> RestDslSourceCodeGenerator is not visible"
> When I tried to addjust an existing project's pom.xml, to define a new
> goal of generating restdsl from yaml, add neccesary dependencies for it,
> and I don't know what else is needed,
> I received some strange complaint like this: "Plugin execution not covered
> by lifecycle configuration" and I was stuck there.
> Do you have somewhere the simplest possible instruction on how to use this
> code generator, please?
> __
> Napomena:
> Ova elektronička poruka i njeni prilozi mogu sadržavati povjerljive i/ili 
> povlaštene informacije, a namijenjena je isključivo za upotrebu naznačenog 
> primatelja. Ako ste ovu poruku primili greškom, molimo Vas da o tome bez 
> odlaganja obavijestite pošiljatelja, da uništite izvornu poruku i njene 
> priloge i bez odlaganja poruku i njene priloge izbrišete iz Vašeg sistema. 
> Neovlaštena uporaba, distribucija, otkrivanje, umnožavanje ili izmjena ove 
> poruke je zabranjena. Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. ne daje niti ne prihvaća 
> pravno obvezujuće izjave putem elektroničkih poruka osim ukoliko drugačije 
> nije izričito navedeno. Budući da komunikacija internetom nije zaštićena, 
> Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. ne prihvaća odgovornost za sadržaj ove poruke, 
> kao ni za eventualnu štetu nastalu zbog zaraženosti ove poruke virusom ili 
> drugim štetnim programom, te zbog eventualnih tehničkih problema prilikom 
> dostave ove poruke.
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Claus Ibsen
- @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2:

Creating REST API service from yaml

2018-03-05 Thread hrvoje . djurdjevic
Hi Claus, 

thank you for your suggestion. I tried to utilize it, however I can't 
figure out how to do it.
When I tried to compile test java classes found here:
it complains in about:  "The method 
toXml(Swagger) is undefined for the type RestDslGenerator" , and 
in it complains about: "The method 
withGeneratedTime(Instant) from the type 
RestDslSourceCodeGenerator is not visible"

When I tried to addjust an existing project's pom.xml, to define a new 
goal of generating restdsl from yaml, add neccesary dependencies for it, 
and I don't know what else is needed,
I received some strange complaint like this: "Plugin execution not covered 
by lifecycle configuration" and I was stuck there.
Do you have somewhere the simplest possible instruction on how to use this 
code generator, please?

Ova elektronička poruka i njeni prilozi mogu sadržavati povjerljive i/ili 
povlaštene informacije, a namijenjena je isključivo za upotrebu naznačenog 
primatelja. Ako ste ovu poruku primili greškom, molimo Vas da o tome bez 
odlaganja obavijestite pošiljatelja, da uništite izvornu poruku i njene priloge 
i bez odlaganja poruku i njene priloge izbrišete iz Vašeg sistema. Neovlaštena 
uporaba, distribucija, otkrivanje, umnožavanje ili izmjena ove poruke je 
zabranjena. Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. ne daje niti ne prihvaća pravno 
obvezujuće izjave putem elektroničkih poruka osim ukoliko drugačije nije 
izričito navedeno. Budući da komunikacija internetom nije zaštićena, 
Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. ne prihvaća odgovornost za sadržaj ove poruke, kao 
ni za eventualnu štetu nastalu zbog zaraženosti ove poruke virusom ili drugim 
štetnim programom, te zbog eventualnih tehničkih problema prilikom dostave ove 

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Re: Creating REST API service from yaml

2018-02-25 Thread Claus Ibsen

See the restdsl maven plugin at Apache Camel

The XML support is coming in Camel 2.21.

On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 9:04 PM,   wrote:
> Hi,
> is there in Camel or in Fuse a wizard that takes yaml file as input, and
> gives as output a REST DSL skeleton code in Java or Spring XML?
> __
> Napomena:
> Ova elektronička poruka i njeni prilozi mogu sadržavati povjerljive i/ili 
> povlaštene informacije, a namijenjena je isključivo za upotrebu naznačenog 
> primatelja. Ako ste ovu poruku primili greškom, molimo Vas da o tome bez 
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> priloge i bez odlaganja poruku i njene priloge izbrišete iz Vašeg sistema. 
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Claus Ibsen
- @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2:

Creating REST API service from yaml

2018-02-25 Thread hrvoje . djurdjevic

is there in Camel or in Fuse a wizard that takes yaml file as input, and 
gives as output a REST DSL skeleton code in Java or Spring XML?

Ova elektronička poruka i njeni prilozi mogu sadržavati povjerljive i/ili 
povlaštene informacije, a namijenjena je isključivo za upotrebu naznačenog 
primatelja. Ako ste ovu poruku primili greškom, molimo Vas da o tome bez 
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zabranjena. Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. ne daje niti ne prihvaća pravno 
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