I am having an issue between using jetty in Java DSL and utilizing Rest DSL.  
Thank you in advance for your help.
I am using Eclipse, Camel 2.24.0, Spring Boot 2.2.0, Java 1.8, and I can not 
use any xml.

I have one example that uses Jetty in the from().  Using Spring boot, this 
means that my project Spring Boot application comes up with using port 8080 via 
Tomcat.  This forces me to use port 8081 with my Jetty component.  Which also 
means, that I have Jetty running inside tomcat - unallowed.

If I utilize the Rest DSL version, I get nothing. It's the same route code in 
both examples - DTRoute.  Is there a difference between using Rest DSL and Java 

--The Rest DSL Version:--
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
  public void configure() throws Exception {

      .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Welcome to Reckon Lineage Adapter")
      .transform().simple("Welcome to Reckon Lineage Adapter");

    from ("direct:dataTrans")
       .log("what is the data mart id? ${header.dataMartId}")
       .log("back here");

My DTRoute router class - used in both examples:
public class DTRoute extends RouteBuilder {

               private static final String DATA_TRANS_URL="http://<MY REST 
SERVICE>:<PORT>/<SOME CONTEXT>?bridgeEndpoint=true";
               private static final String BASIC_AUTH = "<BASIC AUTH TOKEN>";

               public void configure() {

                   .log("at direct:getDataMart")
                   .log("properties: DATA_TRANS_VM is 
                   .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, simple("GET"))
                   .setHeader("Content-Type", constant("application/json"))
                   .setHeader("Accept", constant("application/json"))
                   .setHeader("Accept-Encoding", constant("identity"))
                   .setHeader("Authorization", constant(BASIC_AUTH))
                   .log("call data mart url for id=${header.dataMartId}")

Results: ""

Console Output:
2019-08-04 01:09:53,100 logLevel=INFO thread="http-nio-8080-exec-2" 
category=route3 what is the data mart id? 12345
2019-08-04 01:09:53,101 logLevel=INFO thread="http-nio-8080-exec-2" 
category=route1 at direct:getDataMart
2019-08-04 01:09:53,101 logLevel=INFO thread="http-nio-8080-exec-2" 
category=route1 properties: DATA_TRANS_VM is properties:{{data.trans.vm}}
2019-08-04 01:09:53,102 logLevel=INFO thread="http-nio-8080-exec-2" 
category=route1 call data mart url for id=12345
2019-08-04 01:09:53,324 logLevel=INFO thread="http-nio-8080-exec-2" 
category=route1 body:
2019-08-04 01:09:53,324 logLevel=INFO thread="http-nio-8080-exec-2" 
category=route3 back here

--The Jetty Version:--
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
  public void configure() throws Exception {

                              .log("data mart id is: ${header.dataMartId}")



      .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Welcome to Reckon Lineage Adapter")
      .transform().simple("Welcome to Reckon Lineage Adapter");

    from ("direct:dataTrans")
       .log("what is the data mart id? ${header.dataMartId}")
       .log("back here");

EXACT SAME ROUTE ABOVE defined in Router DTRoute and I get a response when 
using jetty, but nothing when I use Rest DSL.  Please, tell me what I'm doing 

  "name": "Source Contribution Metrics for Job: chyatt_source_contrib_tst 
Datamart Build",
  "jobID": "2569995",
  "records": 1026358,
  "fields": [
      "name": "abilitec_consumer_link",
      "nonNullValues": 1026358,
      "contributions": [
          "id": "2060475",
          "alias": "chyatt_ccalera001_dir_ld",
          "unique": 9976,
          "shared": 0.0

Console Output:
2019-08-04 01:24:38,405 logLevel=INFO thread="qtp621209929-28" category=route2 
data mart id is: 12345
2019-08-04 01:24:38,408 logLevel=INFO thread="qtp621209929-28" category=route4 
what is the data mart id? 12345
2019-08-04 01:24:38,408 logLevel=INFO thread="qtp621209929-28" category=route1 
at direct:getDataMart
2019-08-04 01:24:38,408 logLevel=INFO thread="qtp621209929-28" category=route1 
properties: DATA_TRANS_VM is properties:{{data.trans.vm}}
2019-08-04 01:24:38,409 logLevel=INFO thread="qtp621209929-28" category=route1 
call data mart url for id=12345
2019-08-04 01:24:38,651 logLevel=INFO thread="qtp621209929-28" category=route1 
  "name": "Source Contribution Metrics for Job: chyatt_source_contrib_tst 
Datamart Build",
  "jobID": "2569995",
  "records": 1026358,
  "fields": [
      "name": "abilitec_consumer_link",
      "nonNullValues": 1026358,
      "contributions": [
          "id": "2060475",
          "alias": "chyatt_ccalera001_dir_ld",
          "unique": 9976,
          "shared": 0.0
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