Re: VPC ACLs and Loadbalancer

2018-02-15 Thread Andrija Panic
Well :) that is a good question - desired by who :) ACLs are applied on routined traffic (i.e. traffic between networks), so here its simply not aplicable - you connect to LOCAL port/service on VR (imagine port 22 as in mine example, but otherwise default rules are all DENY, so you can't access ha

Re: VPC ACLs and Loadbalancer

2018-02-14 Thread S. Reddit
Hi Andrija Wow - thanks for in-depth analysis! I already suspected HAProxy services not hitting iptables chain. Thanks for clarification, I see that the behaviour is EXPECTED, is it also DESIRED? Regards, Samuel

Re: VPC ACLs and Loadbalancer

2018-02-13 Thread Andrija Panic
Hi S, so I have reproduced same behavior on ACS 4.8.x and from what I can see this is EXPECTED for following reason: root@r-4997-VM:~# iptables-save | grep "\-j ACL" -A PREROUTING -s ! -d -i eth2 -m state --state NEW -j ACL_OUTBOUND_eth2 -A FORWARD -d 10.10.

VPC ACLs and Loadbalancer

2018-02-12 Thread S. Reddit
Hi List We face an issue with VPC and ACLs together with Loadbalancing (on vRouter). The ACL rules do not seem to work at all. Steps to reproduce: - Create a VPC - Create Tier with Public LB Services on vRouter - Apply default_deny ACL - Create Instance - Create Public LB-Rule on Public IP and poi