On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 07:01:13PM -0500, Frank Loeffler wrote:
Please consider joining the weekly Einstein Toolkit phone call at
9:30 am US central time on Mondays. As usual, you can find instructions

Present were:
 Erik, Josh, Roberto, Peter, Frank

* The FunHPC work-day has been postponed. *
Erik cannot make this Wednesday, so we had to postpone the work-day.
A new Doodle poll for a new date is up, please add yourself if you are interested:


With a new release coming up everyone is currently encouraged to point out even small things(tickets) they want to get fixed before things are frozen. If you have some of those, please mark them using the 'ET_2016_11' milestone. Also, please help resolving those that are marked in this way.

It was also noted that the simfactory web pages are out of date, but at least the download-information will be fixed by Frank.

The question of the future of Simfactory was raised as well, but with several both power users and developers not present this was postponed.


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