On 5-2-2019 02:55, bunk3m wrote:
On 04.02.2019 06:30, Luuk wrote:

On 2-2-2019 21:53, bunk3m wrote:
I have been wondering how to export my Google Map Timeline so I can capture my mileage driven without having to get the kml file for each individual day.

Today I found this add-in for Excel (Don't have Excel anymore :-( ) that runs a VBA script to do exactly what I'm looking for.


Is there a way to run this in LO Calc?

PS On digest mode. Please cc me directly on any replies. Thank you in advance.

I did forget to mention that this tool: https://github.com/nerik/google-timeline-to-csv

works with the: "Location History.json"

from: https://takeout.google.com/

Thank you Luuk.  After all my Googling, I never found this project.

I will see if I can figure out how to get this google-timeline-to-cvs to work.  I don't code so this will be a challenge.  I have no idea how to install dependencies after doing a download of this project.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Thanks again.

Install nodejs (see https://nodejs.org/en/)

Download, and install 'google-timeline-to-csv' in a directory.

Now when you do this:

'node index.js'

You might get an error about missing library's.

To install those missing library's type:

'npm install fs path xmldoc json2csv moment'

(npm should be installed together with nodejs)

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