Le 21/03/2018 à 06:39, Arnau a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've tried to reproduce your issue in AWS. I did not build the packages
> but installed from github as you did.
> I have to say that everything work perfectly:
> sh scripts/bootstrap.sh
> ./aimk -no-java -no-jni -only-core
> setenv SGE_ROOT /opt/sge/
> scripts/distinst -local -allall
> chown -R sgeadmin:sgeadmin /opt/sge/
> ./install_qmaster
> I used soem random ports:

Dear Arnau

As I can't configure SoGE on my first machine, i try to install it on
another one, that have a public ip . The firt machine is on a private
network. But the problem is the same, during the ./inst_sge -m:

unable to contact qmaster using port 6444 on host "cluster.ibt.unam.mx"

But the deamon is running on this machine:

nc -vz cluster 20-7000

                     cluster: Thu Apr  5 12:53:28 2018

cluster.ibt.unam.mx [] 6444 (sge-qmaster) open
cluster.ibt.unam.mx [] 22 (ssh) open

So, as I wrtoe you before, the poblem seesm to be on the ss
comunication. When I install SoGe with the "-csp" option, that's run
well ! So my solution for now is to use CSP. This implies more stuff for
configurong the users of the cluster. But that's what I have to do,
because in debian 9.4 i never could install SoGE. I try it more tha 10
times with different machines, and never happens.
Maybe if you could send me your compile binaries to try here?


-- Jérôme
Le baiser est la plus sûre façon de se taire en disant tout.
        (Guy de Maupassant)
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