Hi all,

I recently implemented a fair share policy using share tickets.  I've been 
monitoring the cluster for a couple of days using qstat -pri -ext -u "*" in 
order to see how the functional tickets are working and it seems to have the 
intended effect.  There are some anomalies where some running jobs have 0 
tickets but still get scheduled since there's free resources; I assume this is 

I'll admit that I don't fully understand the scheduling as it's somewhat 
complex.  So, I'm hoping someone can review the configuration to see if they 
can find any glaring issues such as conflicting options.

I created a share-tree and gave all users an equal value of 10:
$ qconf -sstree

I modified the scheduling by setting the weight_tickets_share to 1000000. I 
reduced the weight_waiting_time weight_priority weight_urgency to well below 
the weight_ticket (what are good values?).
$ qconf -ssconf
algorithm                         default
schedule_interval                 0:0:15
maxujobs                          0
queue_sort_method                 seqno
job_load_adjustments              np_load_avg=0.50
load_adjustment_decay_time        0:7:30
load_formula                      np_load_avg
schedd_job_info                   false
flush_submit_sec                  0
flush_finish_sec                  0
params                            none
reprioritize_interval             0:0:0
halftime                          168
usage_weight_list                 cpu=0.700000,mem=0.200000,io=0.100000
compensation_factor               5.000000
weight_user                       0.250000
weight_project                    0.250000
weight_department                 0.250000
weight_job                        0.250000
weight_tickets_functional         0
weight_tickets_share              1000000
share_override_tickets            TRUE
share_functional_shares           TRUE
max_functional_jobs_to_schedule   200
report_pjob_tickets               TRUE
max_pending_tasks_per_job         50
halflife_decay_list               none
policy_hierarchy                  OFS
weight_ticket                     0.500000
weight_waiting_time               0.000010
weight_deadline                   3600000.000000
weight_urgency                    0.010000
weight_priority                   0.010000
max_reservation                   0
default_duration                  INFINITY

I modified all the users to set the fshare to 1000
$ qconf -muser XXX

I modified the general conf to auto_user_fsahre 1000 and auto_user_delete_time 
7776000 (90 days).  Halftime is set to the default 7 days (I assume I should 
increase this).  I don't know if auto_user_delete_time even matters.
$ qconf -sconf
execd_spool_dir              /opt/gridengine/default/spool
mailer                       /opt/gridengine/default/commond/mail_wrapper.py
xterm                        /usr/bin/xterm
load_sensor                  none
prolog                       none
epilog                       none
shell_start_mode             posix_compliant
login_shells                 sh,bash
min_uid                      100
min_gid                      100
user_lists                   none
xuser_lists                  none
projects                     none
xprojects                    none
enforce_project              false
enforce_user                 auto
load_report_time             00:00:40
max_unheard                  00:05:00
reschedule_unknown           00:00:00
loglevel                     log_info
administrator_mail           none
set_token_cmd                none
pag_cmd                      none
token_extend_time            none
shepherd_cmd                 none
qmaster_params               none
execd_params                 ENABLE_BINDING=true ENABLE_ADDGRP_KILL=true \
reporting_params             accounting=true reporting=true \
                             flush_time=00:00:15 joblog=true sharelog=00:00:00
finished_jobs                100
gid_range                    20000-20100
qlogin_command               /opt/gridengine/bin/rocks-qlogin.sh
qlogin_daemon                /usr/sbin/sshd -i
rlogin_command               builtin
rlogin_daemon                builtin
rsh_command                  builtin
rsh_daemon                   builtin
max_aj_instances             2000
max_aj_tasks                 75000
max_u_jobs                   0
max_jobs                     0
max_advance_reservations     0
auto_user_oticket            0
auto_user_fshare             1000
auto_user_default_project    none
auto_user_delete_time        7776000
delegated_file_staging       false
reprioritize                 0
jsv_url                      none
jsv_allowed_mod              ac,h,i,e,o,j,M,N,p,w

Thanks for your assistance.


Iyad Kandalaft

users mailing list

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