On 08/09/2017 10:18 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 08/09/2017 11:03 AM, Frederic Muller wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I run GNOME on a 2560x1440 resolution display where I disabled the "double 
>> scaling"
>> (not sure how it's called). So one pixel is one dot. Unfortunately when 
>> running Qt
>> applications such as VLC for example they autoscale to 1 dot for 4 pixels 
>> making
>> those huge and taking most of my display area. When on dual screen they even
>> recognize which screen is HiDPI and therefore automatically scale back on 
>> the non
>> HiDPI screen kind of forcing me to run all my Qt apps on that external 
>> screen.
>> Unfortunately I do not always have an external screen to save me...
>> So is there a way (like with GNOME) to disable this feature and have Qt apps
>> display "normally"?
> FYI, this is a guess on my part since I've not had to deal with this issue.
> I think I would look to http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/highdpi.html and see how these
> environment variables may be help...
> QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR [boolean] enables automatic scaling, based on the 
> pixel
> density of the monitor. This will not change the size of point sized fonts, 
> since
> point is a physical unit of measure. Multiple screens may get different scale 
> factors.
> QT_SCALE_FACTOR [numeric] defines a global scale factor for the whole 
> application,
> including point sized fonts.
> QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS [list] specifies scale factors for each screen. This 
> will not
> change the size of point sized fonts. This environment variable is mainly 
> useful for
> debugging, or to work around monitors with wrong EDID information(Extended 
> Display
> Identification Data).
Thanks a lot, that worked great! (I thought I tried those before but I
guess I didn't do it right). At the end I've created a
/etc/profile.d/qt.sh file and inserted this parameter inside:

Very happy now :-)

Thank you.

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