
I’ve built parallel HDF5 1.8.21 against OpenMPI 4.0.1 on CentOS 7 and a 
Lustre 2.12 filesystem using the OS-provided GCC 4.8.5 and am trying to 
run the testsuite. I’m failing the testphdf5 test: could anyone help, 

I’ve successfully used the same method to pass tests when building HDF5 
1.8.21 against different MPIs - MVAPICH2 2.3.1 and IntelMPI 2019.4.243.

I’ve built openmpi 4.0.1 with configure options:

   ./configure --prefix=$prefix
     –with-ucx=$prefix --without-verbs

I’ve set the following MCA param to try and force ROMIO:

   export OMPI_MCA_io=romio321

For OpenMPI 4.0.1, I’m getting this failure - any ideas, please?



$ cat testphdf5.chklog
  testphdf5  Test Log

MPI-process 1. hostname=login2.arc4.leeds.ac.uk
MPI-process 3. hostname=login2.arc4.leeds.ac.uk
MPI-process 4. hostname=login2.arc4.leeds.ac.uk
MPI-process 5. hostname=login2.arc4.leeds.ac.uk

For help use: 
Linked with hdf5 version 1.8 release 21

For help use: 
Linked with hdf5 version 1.8 release 21

For help use: 
Linked with hdf5 version 1.8 release 21

For help use: 
Linked with hdf5 version 1.8 release 21
MPI-process 2. hostname=login2.arc4.leeds.ac.uk

For help use: 
Linked with hdf5 version 1.8 release 21
MPI-process 0. hostname=login2.arc4.leeds.ac.uk

For help use: 
Linked with hdf5 version 1.8 release 21
Test filenames are:
Testing  -- fapl_mpio duplicate (mpiodup) 
Test filenames are:
Testing  -- fapl_mpio duplicate (mpiodup) 
Test filenames are:
Testing  -- fapl_mpio duplicate (mpiodup) 
Test filenames are:
Testing  -- fapl_mpio duplicate (mpiodup) 
Test filenames are:
Testing  -- fapl_mpio duplicate (mpiodup) 
*** Hint ***
You can use environment variable HDF5_PARAPREFIX to run parallel test files in a
different directory or to add file type prefix. E.g.,
    export HDF5_PARAPREFIX
*** End of Hint ***
Test filenames are:
Testing  -- fapl_mpio duplicate (mpiodup) 
Testing  -- dataset using split communicators (split) 
Testing  -- dataset using split communicators (split) 
Testing  -- dataset using split communicators (split) 
Testing  -- dataset using split communicators (split) 
Testing  -- dataset using split communicators (split) 
Testing  -- dataset using split communicators (split) 
Testing  -- dataset independent write (idsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset independent write (idsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset independent write (idsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset independent write (idsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset independent write (idsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset independent write (idsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset independent read (idsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset independent read (idsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset independent read (idsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset independent read (idsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset independent read (idsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset independent read (idsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset collective write (cdsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset collective write (cdsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset collective write (cdsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset collective write (cdsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset collective write (cdsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset collective write (cdsetw) 
Testing  -- dataset collective read (cdsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset collective read (cdsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset collective read (cdsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset collective read (cdsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset collective read (cdsetr) 
Testing  -- dataset collective read (cdsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write (eidsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write (eidsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write (eidsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write (eidsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write (eidsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write (eidsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent read (eidsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent read (eidsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent read (eidsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent read (eidsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent read (eidsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent read (eidsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective write (ecdsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective write (ecdsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective write (ecdsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective write (ecdsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective write (ecdsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective write (ecdsetw) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective read (ecdsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective read (ecdsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective read (ecdsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective read (ecdsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective read (ecdsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset collective read (ecdsetr) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write #2 (eidsetw2) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write #2 (eidsetw2) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write #2 (eidsetw2) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write #2 (eidsetw2) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write #2 (eidsetw2) 
Testing  -- extendible dataset independent write #2 (eidsetw2) 
Testing  -- chunked dataset with none-selection (selnone) 
Testing  -- chunked dataset with none-selection (selnone) 
Testing  -- chunked dataset with none-selection (selnone) 
Testing  -- chunked dataset with none-selection (selnone) 
Testing  -- chunked dataset with none-selection (selnone) 
Testing  -- chunked dataset with none-selection (selnone) 
Testing  -- parallel extend Chunked allocation on serial file (calloc) 
Testing  -- parallel extend Chunked allocation on serial file (calloc) 
Testing  -- parallel extend Chunked allocation on serial file (calloc) 
Testing  -- parallel extend Chunked allocation on serial file (calloc) 
Testing  -- parallel extend Chunked allocation on serial file (calloc) 
Testing  -- parallel extend Chunked allocation on serial file (calloc) 
Testing  -- parallel read of dataset written serially with filters (fltread) 
Testing  -- parallel read of dataset written serially with filters (fltread) 
Testing  -- parallel read of dataset written serially with filters (fltread) 
Testing  -- parallel read of dataset written serially with filters (fltread) 
Testing  -- parallel read of dataset written serially with filters (fltread) 
Testing  -- parallel read of dataset written serially with filters (fltread) 
Testing  -- compressed dataset collective read (cmpdsetr) 
Testing  -- compressed dataset collective read (cmpdsetr) 
Testing  -- compressed dataset collective read (cmpdsetr) 
Testing  -- compressed dataset collective read (cmpdsetr) 
Testing  -- compressed dataset collective read (cmpdsetr) 
Testing  -- compressed dataset collective read (cmpdsetr) 
Testing  -- zero dim dset (zerodsetr) 
Testing  -- zero dim dset (zerodsetr) 
Testing  -- zero dim dset (zerodsetr) 
Testing  -- zero dim dset (zerodsetr) 
Testing  -- zero dim dset (zerodsetr) 
Testing  -- zero dim dset (zerodsetr) 
Testing  -- multiple datasets write (ndsetw) 
Testing  -- multiple datasets write (ndsetw) 
Testing  -- multiple datasets write (ndsetw) 
Testing  -- multiple datasets write (ndsetw) 
Testing  -- multiple datasets write (ndsetw) 
Testing  -- multiple datasets write (ndsetw) 
Testing  -- multiple groups write (ngrpw) 
Testing  -- multiple groups write (ngrpw) 
Testing  -- multiple groups write (ngrpw) 
Testing  -- multiple groups write (ngrpw) 
Testing  -- multiple groups write (ngrpw) 
Testing  -- multiple groups write (ngrpw) 
Testing  -- multiple groups read (ngrpr) 
Testing  -- multiple groups read (ngrpr) 
Testing  -- multiple groups read (ngrpr) 
Testing  -- multiple groups read (ngrpr) 
Testing  -- multiple groups read (ngrpr) 
Testing  -- multiple groups read (ngrpr) 
Testing  -- compact dataset test (compact) 
Testing  -- compact dataset test (compact) 
Testing  -- compact dataset test (compact) 
Testing  -- compact dataset test (compact) 
Testing  -- compact dataset test (compact) 
Testing  -- compact dataset test (compact) 
Testing  -- collective group and dataset write (cngrpw) 
Testing  -- collective group and dataset write (cngrpw) 
Testing  -- collective group and dataset write (cngrpw) 
Testing  -- collective group and dataset write (cngrpw) 
Testing  -- collective group and dataset write (cngrpw) 
Testing  -- collective group and dataset write (cngrpw) 
Testing  -- independent group and dataset read (ingrpr) 
Testing  -- independent group and dataset read (ingrpr) 
Testing  -- independent group and dataset read (ingrpr) 
Testing  -- independent group and dataset read (ingrpr) 
Testing  -- independent group and dataset read (ingrpr) 
Testing  -- independent group and dataset read (ingrpr) 
Testing  -- big dataset test (bigdset) 
Testing  -- big dataset test (bigdset) 
Testing  -- big dataset test (bigdset) 
Testing  -- big dataset test (bigdset) 
Testing  -- big dataset test (bigdset) 
Testing  -- big dataset test (bigdset) 
Testing  -- dataset fill value (fill) 
Testing  -- dataset fill value (fill) 
Testing  -- dataset fill value (fill) 
Testing  -- dataset fill value (fill) 
Testing  -- dataset fill value (fill) 
Testing  -- dataset fill value (fill) 
Testing  -- simple collective chunk io (cchunk1) 
Testing  -- simple collective chunk io (cchunk1) 
Testing  -- simple collective chunk io (cchunk1) 
Testing  -- simple collective chunk io (cchunk1) 
Testing  -- simple collective chunk io (cchunk1) 
Testing  -- simple collective chunk io (cchunk1) 
Testing  -- noncontiguous collective chunk io (cchunk2) 
Testing  -- noncontiguous collective chunk io (cchunk2) 
Testing  -- noncontiguous collective chunk io (cchunk2) 
Testing  -- noncontiguous collective chunk io (cchunk2) 
Testing  -- noncontiguous collective chunk io (cchunk2) 
Testing  -- noncontiguous collective chunk io (cchunk2) 
Testing  -- multi-chunk collective chunk io (cchunk3) 
Testing  -- multi-chunk collective chunk io (cchunk3) 
Testing  -- multi-chunk collective chunk io (cchunk3) 
Testing  -- multi-chunk collective chunk io (cchunk3) 
Testing  -- multi-chunk collective chunk io (cchunk3) 
Testing  -- multi-chunk collective chunk io (cchunk3) 
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 5 with PID 0 on node login2 exited on signal 
14 (Alarm clock).
4200.49user 2983.56system 20:01.98elapsed 597%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 
10480inputs+73472outputs (23major+98853minor)pagefaults 0swaps
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