Re: [Pw_forum] Reg: Need of Full relativistic PS for SOC calculations

2015-03-01 Thread Peram sreenivasa reddy
Dear Carsten Fortmann,

Thank you very much  for you help. I will go through it and get back to you
for further steps.

Thanking you .

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 3:27 AM, Carsten Fortmann <> wrote:

> have a look at the sg15 database for optimized normconserving vanderbilt
> pseudopotentials (onsvpsp)
> under elements/ you'll find for each element you want the pseudo in upf
> format ready to use in pwscf AND the input file (*.dat) that was used to
> make the pseudopotential. these pseudopotentials are scalar
> relativistic. to make them fully relativistic, you'll have to run the
> same input file
> through the onsvpsp code by don hamann. you'll find the oncvpsp code
> here:
> after extracting the archive, and compiling the code (works best on a
> linux/unix machine), you'll find the script in the tests
> directory. run that script together with the sg15 input file and you'll
> get a well optimized fully relativistic pseudopotential.
> hth, carsten
> On 02/28/2015 07:10 PM, Peram sreenivasa reddy wrote:
> > Dear Forum,
> >
> > I want to do phonon calculations with including Spin orbit coupling.
> >
> > Is there any possibility to get full relativistic Norm-conserving pseudo
> > potentials.
> >
> > My systems containing Sc, Al, In, Au, Pb, Sn and Pd atoms.
> >
> > All suggestions are accepted.
> >
> > Thank you in advance ..
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Pw_forum mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Carsten Fortmann
> Scientific Software Developer
> QuantumWise A/S
> Lersø Parkalle
> 2100 Copenhagen
> Denmark
> Phone: +45 699 01 888
> Fax:   +45 698 02 801
> skype: carsten.fortmann
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list


*Research ScholarDepartment of Physics *
*Indian Institute of Technology*
Pw_forum mailing list

Re: [Pw_forum] Reg: Need of Full relativistic PS for SOC calculations

2015-03-01 Thread Carsten Fortmann
have a look at the sg15 database for optimized normconserving vanderbilt
pseudopotentials (onsvpsp)

under elements/ you'll find for each element you want the pseudo in upf
format ready to use in pwscf AND the input file (*.dat) that was used to
make the pseudopotential. these pseudopotentials are scalar
relativistic. to make them fully relativistic, you'll have to run the
same input file
through the onsvpsp code by don hamann. you'll find the oncvpsp code

after extracting the archive, and compiling the code (works best on a
linux/unix machine), you'll find the script in the tests
directory. run that script together with the sg15 input file and you'll
get a well optimized fully relativistic pseudopotential.

hth, carsten

On 02/28/2015 07:10 PM, Peram sreenivasa reddy wrote:
> Dear Forum,
> I want to do phonon calculations with including Spin orbit coupling.
> Is there any possibility to get full relativistic Norm-conserving pseudo
> potentials.
> My systems containing Sc, Al, In, Au, Pb, Sn and Pd atoms.
> All suggestions are accepted.
> Thank you in advance ..
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list

Carsten Fortmann
Scientific Software Developer
QuantumWise A/S
Lersø Parkalle
2100 Copenhagen

Phone: +45 699 01 888
Fax:   +45 698 02 801
skype: carsten.fortmann
Pw_forum mailing list