
As you know GA for OpenStack Queens release is approaching [1] and in RDO
we are getting ready for it as described in [2]. In order to make the new
release as smooth as possible we'll need some collaboration from package

- We will be creating queens-rdo branches early next week so If you need
any change in distgits in Queens packages, please send it as soon as
possible to review.rdoproject.org. If branches are already created when you
send  patch needed for queens, remember to cherry-pick it queens-rdo repo.

- We are building a new RDO Trunk (dlrn based) repository for queens
following trunk for stable/queens branch of upstrea projects. If you are
using RDO Trunk in CI jobs, note that we will switch
https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-queens/ link to the new repo
(currently it's used for builds from master) soon. This means that:

1. If you want to keep deploying from master, make sure you use
https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master repo.
2. If you want to deploy from queens stable branches, using
https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-queens/ is the right way.

We'll keep you updated on the progress of these and other tasks related to
Queens release. Don't hesitate to contact us in #rdo channel or mailing
list [3] if you have any doubt or need any support from RDO.

Best regards,


[1] https://releases.openstack.org/queens/schedule.html
[2] https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/branching/
[3] https://www.rdoproject.org/contribute/mailing-lists/
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