Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Christian Salway
Ok, I changed remote { auth = eap-tls ... and tried again and now on the client 
side, I’m getting EAP_TLS not supported!  Getting there…. Now to figure out how 
to enable it on the client.


Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] looking for peer configs matching[%any]…x.x.x.x[remote.user]
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] peer config match local: 1 (ID_ANY -> )
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] peer config match remote: 1 (ID_FQDN -> 
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] ike config match: 28 ( x.x.x.x IKEv2)
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG]   candidate "ecdsa", match: 1/1/28 (me/other/ike)
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] peer config match local: 1 (ID_ANY -> )
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] peer config match remote: 1 (ID_FQDN -> 
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] ike config match: 28 ( x.x.x.x IKEv2)
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG]   candidate "rsa", match: 1/1/28 (me/other/ike)
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[CFG] selected peer config 'ecdsa'
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[IKE] initiating EAP_IDENTITY method (id 0x00)
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[IKE] processing INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS attribute
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[IKE] processing INTERNAL_IP4_DNS attribute
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[IKE] received ESP_TFC_PADDING_NOT_SUPPORTED, not using ESPv3 
TFC padding
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[IKE] peer supports MOBIKE
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[IKE] authentication of 'vpnserver1' (myself) with 
ECDSA_WITH_SHA384_DER successful
Jun 12 14:22:22 08[IKE] sending end entity cert "C=GB, CN=vpnserver1"
Jun 12 14:22:22 12[IKE] received EAP identity ‘remote.user'
Jun 12 14:22:22 12[IKE] initiating EAP_TLS method (id 0x6A)
Jun 12 14:22:22 10[IKE] received EAP_NAK, sending EAP_FAILURE
Jun 12 14:22:22 10[IKE] IKE_SA ecdsa[2] state change: CONNECTING => DESTROYING


00[DMN] Starting charon-cmd IKE client (strongSwan 5.6.3, Darwin 17.5.0, x86_64)
00[LIB] loaded plugins: charon-cmd nonce x509 revocation constraints pubkey 
pkcs1 pkcs8 sshkey pem openssl curve25519 kernel-pfkey kernel-pfroute 
socket-default eap-identity eap-md5 eap-gtc eap-mschapv2 xauth-generic osx-attr
00[JOB] spawning 16 worker threads
07[IKE] initiating IKE_SA cmd[1] to x.x.x.x
07[ENC] generating IKE_SA_INIT request 0 [ SA KE No N(NATD_S_IP) N(NATD_D_IP) 
07[NET] sending packet: from[51903] to x.x.x.x[4500] (712 bytes)
09[NET] received packet: from x.x.x.x[4500] to[51903] (289 bytes)
09[ENC] parsed IKE_SA_INIT response 0 [ SA KE No N(NATD_S_IP) N(NATD_D_IP) 
09[IKE] local host is behind NAT, sending keep alives
09[IKE] remote host is behind NAT
09[IKE] received cert request for "CN=Vivace Root CA"
09[IKE] sending cert request for "CN=Vivace Root CA"
09[IKE] establishing CHILD_SA cmd{1}
09[ENC] generating IKE_AUTH request 1 [ IDi N(INIT_CONTACT) CERTREQ CPRQ(ADDR 
09[NET] sending packet: from[64672] to x.x.x.x[4500] (352 bytes)
10[NET] received packet: from x.x.x.x[4500] to[64672] (1152 bytes)
10[ENC] parsed IKE_AUTH response 1 [ IDr CERT AUTH EAP/REQ/ID ]
10[IKE] received end entity cert "C=GB, CN=vpnserver1"
10[CFG]   using certificate "C=GB, CN=vpnserver1"
10[CFG]   using trusted ca certificate "CN=Vivace Root CA"
10[CFG] checking certificate status of "C=GB, CN=vpnserver1"
10[CFG] certificate status is not available
10[CFG]   reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 0
10[IKE] authentication of 'vpnserver1' with ECDSA_WITH_SHA384_DER successful
10[IKE] server requested EAP_IDENTITY (id 0x00), sending ‘remote.user'
10[ENC] generating IKE_AUTH request 2 [ EAP/RES/ID ]
10[NET] sending packet: from[64672] to x.x.x.x[4500] (112 bytes)
11[NET] received packet: from x.x.x.x[4500] to[64672] (80 bytes)
11[ENC] parsed IKE_AUTH response 2 [ EAP/REQ/TLS ]
11[IKE] server requested EAP_TLS authentication (id 0x6A)
11[IKE] EAP method not supported, sending EAP_NAK
11[ENC] generating IKE_AUTH request 3 [ EAP/RES/NAK ]
11[NET] sending packet: from[64672] to x.x.x.x[4500] (80 bytes)
12[NET] received packet: from x.x.x.x[4500] to[64672] (80 bytes)
12[ENC] parsed IKE_AUTH response 3 [ EAP/FAIL ]
12[IKE] received EAP_FAILURE, EAP authentication failed
12[ENC] generating INFORMATIONAL request 4 [ N(AUTH_FAILED) ]
12[NET] sending packet: from[64672] to x.x.x.x[4500] (80 bytes)

> On 12 Jun 2018, at 15:20, Tobias Brunner  wrote:
>> Its using eap-dynamic with eap-tls as the preferred.
> The latter is doubtful because EAP-MSCHAPv2 is the method initiated by
> the server (and not as response to an EAP-Nak by the client).
> Regards,
> Tobias

Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Tobias Brunner
> Its using eap-dynamic with eap-tls as the preferred.

The latter is doubtful because EAP-MSCHAPv2 is the method initiated by
the server (and not as response to an EAP-Nak by the client).


Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Christian Salway
Its using eap-dynamic with eap-tls as the preferred.

> On 12 Jun 2018, at 15:17, Tobias Brunner  wrote:
>> With that option, its asking for MSCHAPV2
> Why did you configure a client certificate then?  If the server is
> configured to do EAP-MSCHAPv2 no client certificate/key is needed, but a
> password instead.
> Regards,
> Tobias

Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Tobias Brunner
> With that option, its asking for MSCHAPV2

Why did you configure a client certificate then?  If the server is
configured to do EAP-MSCHAPv2 no client certificate/key is needed, but a
password instead.


Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Christian Salway
With that option, its asking for MSCHAPV2


10[IKE] server requested EAP_IDENTITY (id 0x00), sending ‘remote.user'
10[ENC] generating IKE_AUTH request 2 [ EAP/RES/ID ]
10[NET] sending packet: from[54408] to x.x.x.x[4500] (112 bytes)
11[NET] received packet: from x.x.x.x[4500] to[54408] (112 bytes)
11[ENC] parsed IKE_AUTH response 2 [ EAP/REQ/MSCHAPV2 ]
11[IKE] server requested EAP_MSCHAPV2 authentication (id 0xA8)


Jun 12 13:43:19 13[IKE] received EAP identity ‘remote.user'
Jun 12 13:43:19 13[IKE] EAP_MSCHAPV2 method selected
Jun 12 13:43:19 13[IKE] initiating EAP_MSCHAPV2 method (id 0xA8)

> On 12 Jun 2018, at 14:40, Tobias Brunner  wrote:
> Hi Christian,
>> Ok, I changed my command line to now read
>> sudo charon-cmd --host x.x.x.x --identity remote.user --p12 remote.user.p12
> The server expects the client to authenticate with EAP, but the client
> will not do that automatically if you configure a private
> key/certificate (it then uses the profile ikev2-pub to use regular
> pubkey authentication).  If you want to use EAP-TLS instead, add
> --profile ikev2-eap to the command line.
> Regards,
> Tobias

Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Tobias Brunner
Hi Christian,

> Ok, I changed my command line to now read
> sudo charon-cmd --host x.x.x.x --identity remote.user --p12 remote.user.p12

The server expects the client to authenticate with EAP, but the client
will not do that automatically if you configure a private
key/certificate (it then uses the profile ikev2-pub to use regular
pubkey authentication).  If you want to use EAP-TLS instead, add
--profile ikev2-eap to the command line.


Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Christian Salway
Ok, I changed my command line to now read

sudo charon-cmd --host x.x.x.x --identity remote.user --p12 remote.user.p12

But I am still getting failed login.  This works in OSX’s built-in VPN client 
so I know the certificate is good.


Jun 12 13:24:00 07[IKE] x.x.x.x is initiating an IKE_SA
Jun 12 13:24:00 07[IKE] IKE_SA (unnamed)[6] state change: CREATED => CONNECTING
Jun 12 13:24:00 07[CFG] selected proposal: 
Jun 12 13:24:00 07[CFG] received supported signature hash algorithms: sha256 
sha384 sha512 identity
Jun 12 13:24:00 07[IKE] local host is behind NAT, sending keep alives
Jun 12 13:24:00 07[IKE] remote host is behind NAT
Jun 12 13:24:00 07[CFG] sending supported signature hash algorithms: sha256 
sha384 sha512 identity
Jun 12 13:24:00 07[IKE] sending cert request for "CN=Vivace Root CA"
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[IKE] received cert request for "CN=Vivace Root CA"
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[IKE] received end entity cert "C=GB, CN=remote.user"
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] looking for peer configs matching[%any]…x.x.x.x[remote.user]
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] peer config match local: 1 (ID_ANY -> )
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] peer config match remote: 1 (ID_FQDN -> 
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] ike config match: 28 ( x.x.x.x IKEv2)
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG]   candidate "ecdsa", match: 1/1/28 (me/other/ike)
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] peer config match local: 1 (ID_ANY -> )
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] peer config match remote: 1 (ID_FQDN -> 
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] ike config match: 28 ( x.x.x.x IKEv2)
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG]   candidate "rsa", match: 1/1/28 (me/other/ike)
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] selected peer config 'ecdsa'
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG]   certificate "C=GB, CN=remote.user" key: 384 bit ECDSA
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG]   using trusted ca certificate "CN=Vivace Root CA"
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] checking certificate status of "C=GB, CN=remote.user"
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] ocsp check skipped, no ocsp found
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] certificate status is not available
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG]   certificate "CN=Vivace Root CA" key: 4096 bit RSA
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG]   reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 0
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG]   using trusted certificate "C=GB, CN=remote.user"
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[IKE] authentication of ‘remote.user' with 
ECDSA_WITH_SHA384_DER successful
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] constraint check failed: EAP identity '%any' required 
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] selected peer config 'ecdsa' inacceptable: non-matching 
authentication done
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] switching to peer config 'rsa'
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] constraint check failed: EAP identity '%any' required 
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] selected peer config 'rsa' inacceptable: non-matching 
authentication done
Jun 12 13:24:01 11[CFG] no alternative config found

> On 12 Jun 2018, at 14:07, Tobias Brunner  wrote:
> Hi Christian,
>> From what I can see, I’m requesting --remote-identity vpnserver but the 
>> server is choosing vpnserver1.
> charon-cmd does not send the configured identity (i.e. it does not send
> an IDr payload).  The configured identity is only used to match against
> the returned identity/certificate.  This is basically as if you
> configured rightid=%vpnserver in ipsec.conf.  So the server is free to
> select whichever config it wants (it will just use the first one
> loaded), so if you have multiple matching configs (based on the IPs and
> IKE version) with different identities this could be problematic.
> Regards,
> Tobias

Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Tobias Brunner
Hi Christian,

> From what I can see, I’m requesting --remote-identity vpnserver but the 
> server is choosing vpnserver1.

charon-cmd does not send the configured identity (i.e. it does not send
an IDr payload).  The configured identity is only used to match against
the returned identity/certificate.  This is basically as if you
configured rightid=%vpnserver in ipsec.conf.  So the server is free to
select whichever config it wants (it will just use the first one
loaded), so if you have multiple matching configs (based on the IPs and
IKE version) with different identities this could be problematic.


Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Christian Salway
Basically, linux users cant connect which I’m trying to work out why.

From what I can see, I’m requesting --remote-identity vpnserver but the server 
is choosing vpnserver1.


> On 12 Jun 2018, at 13:24, Tobias Brunner  wrote:
> Hi Christian,
>> When I try to connect to the VPN server using charon-cmd, Im instructing
>> it use vpnserver but the server is responding with vpnserver1.  I have
>> two connection configs set up (pasted below).  What am I missing??
> What exactly confuses you?
> Regards,
> Tobias

Re: [strongSwan] Strange issue. Cant connect.

2018-06-12 Thread Tobias Brunner
Hi Christian,

> When I try to connect to the VPN server using charon-cmd, Im instructing
> it use vpnserver but the server is responding with vpnserver1.  I have
> two connection configs set up (pasted below).  What am I missing??

What exactly confuses you?
