Executing a single test in an installed maven jar

2016-05-09 Thread salilsurendran
I have a jar installed in my local ~/.m2 repo and I would like to execute a single test using the '-Dtest' option via a python script. I tried using this command on the command line ' mvn surefire:test -DdependenciesToScan=groupId:artifactId -Dtest=NameOfTest' on the command line however it doesn't

mvn dependency:build-classpath not considering includeScope parameter

2017-02-04 Thread salilsurendran
`mvn dependency:build-classpath -DincludeScope=test` doesn't show test jars that have been added to the pom.xml org.apache.spark spark-streaming_${scala.binary.version} ${project.version} org.apache.spark spark-streaming_$

Have to reconnect each time while running debugging maven remotely?

2014-08-11 Thread salilsurendran
Hello, Due to legacy reasons we have forkMode set to 'pertest' in our pom. This configuration can't be changed. However when I remote debug in eclipse(or command line) I use `"-Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler