Re: [Users] ovirt-engine-dbscripts broken dependencies on F17

2012-11-27 Thread Adrian Gibanel
Yes, I confirm it's working. I don't get the error: "could not create ovirtsdk 
API object" when using it. 

I've just done: 

rm -rf /home/iso 
rm -rf /home/storage 
rm /etc/exports 
yum remove ovirt* 
yum install -y\ 
yum install -y ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone 
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 

I have some annoying problems with storage which I have described in another 
thread but as I say the engine-setup command did not issue any error. 

- Mensaje original -

De: "Itamar Heim"  
Para: "Adrian Gibanel"  
Enviados: Martes, 27 de Noviembre 2012 15:44:26 
Asunto: Re: [Users] ovirt-engine-dbscripts broken dependencies on F17 

On 11/27/2012 07:55 AM, Adrian Gibanel wrote: 
> While I was trying to fix it on my own with the commands you will see 
> below I have taken a look at the fix which has nothing to do with 3.1 / 
> 3.2 version (I was interpreting the bug as its fixing was going to just 
> fix the dependency to be ovirt-engine-sdk 3.1 as the manual workaround 
> that Jason Brooks proposed). It has to do with the new security mode. 
> So... What I understand so far is that: 
> * I should have read the commit so see what was actually been fixed and how. 
> * If you install ovirt 3.1 in Fedora 17 you will find an 
> ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 package and that should work fine. 
> So sorry about all these warnings and I will give you feedback about how 
> ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 package works in Fedora 17. 

we just released 3.1.0-4 1-2 days ago fixing this issue specifically. 
seems its working 


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

Ens podeu seguir a/Nos podeis seguir en: 


Abans d´imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient. El medi ambient és 
cosa de tothom. / Antes de imprimir el mensaje piensa en el medio ambiente. El 
medio ambiente es cosa de todos. 

El contingut d'aquest missatge i els seus annexos és confidencial. Si no en sou 
el destinatari, us fem saber que està prohibit utilitzar-lo, divulgar-lo i/o 
copiar-lo sense tenir l'autorització corresponent. Si heu rebut aquest missatge 
per error, us agrairem que ho feu saber immediatament al remitent i que 
procediu a destruir el missatge . 

El contenido de este mensaje y de sus anexos es confidencial. Si no es el 
destinatario, les hacemos saber que está prohibido utilizarlo, divulgarlo y/o 
copiarlo sin tener la autorización correspondiente. Si han recibido este 
mensaje por error, les agradeceríamos que lo hagan saber inmediatamente al 
remitente y que procedan a destruir el mensaje . 
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] ovirt-engine-dbscripts broken dependencies on F17

2012-11-27 Thread Itamar Heim

On 11/27/2012 07:55 AM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:

While I was trying to fix it on my own with the commands you will see
below I have taken a look at the fix which has nothing to do with 3.1 /
3.2 version (I was  interpreting the bug as its fixing was going to just
fix the dependency to be ovirt-engine-sdk 3.1 as the manual workaround
that Jason Brooks proposed). It has to do with the new security mode.

So... What I understand so far is that:

* I should have read the commit so see what was actually been fixed and how.
* If you install ovirt 3.1 in Fedora 17 you will find an
ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 package and that should work fine.

So sorry about all these warnings and I will give you feedback about how
ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 package works in Fedora 17.

we just released 3.1.0-4 1-2 days ago fixing this issue specifically.
seems its working


yum remove ovirt*
yum install -y\
yum install -y ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone
  ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable  12 k
Instalando para las dependencias:
  ovirt-engine   noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable 1.0 M
  ovirt-engine-backend   noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable 7.0 M
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable 130 k
  ovirt-engine-dbscripts noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable 132 k
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable  18 k
  ovirt-engine-notification-service  noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable  52 k
  ovirt-engine-restapi   noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable 5.0 M
  ovirt-engine-sdk   noarch  211 k
  ovirt-engine-setup noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable 115 k
  ovirt-engine-tools-common  noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable 8.8 k
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable  13 M
  ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal   noarch
3.1.0-4.fc17  ovirt-stable  15 M
  ovirt-image-uploader   noarch
3.1.0-0.git9c42c8.fc17ovirt-stable  92 k
  ovirt-iso-uploader noarch
3.1.0-0.git1841d9.fc17ovirt-stable  29 k
3.1.0-0.git10d719.fc17ovirt-stable  53 k

Wrong! It's trying to get ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 !

# Trying to ignore the 3.2 version unsucessfully
yum remove ovirt*
yum install -y\
yum install --disablerepo=updates -y ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone

--> Resoluci�n de dependencias finalizada
Error: Paquete: ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone-3.1.0-4.fc17.noarch
Necesita: ovirt-engine-sdk >= 3.2
Disponible: ovirt-engine-sdk-1.3-1.fc17.noarch (fedora)
ovirt-engine-sdk = 1.3-1.fc17
Instalando: ovirt-engine-sdk-
ovirt-engine-sdk =
Error: Paquete: ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone-3.1.0-4.fc17.noarch
Necesita: ovirt-engine-sdk >= 3.2
Disponible: ovirt-engine-sdk-1.3-1.fc17.noarch (fedora)
ovirt-engine-sdk = 1.3-1.fc17
Disponible: ovirt-engine-sdk-
ovirt-engine-sdk =
  Podr�a intentar utilizar el comando --skip-broken para sortear el problema

*De: *"Adrian Gibanel" 
*Para: *
*Enviados: *Martes, 27 de Noviembre 2012 13:31:06
    *Asunto: *[Users] ovirt-engine-dbscripts broken dependencies on F17

So if I'm not mistaken (I repeat that I don't have too much
experience in Fedora) the error is:

ovirt-engine-3.1.0-2.fc17.noarch needs:
   ovirt-engine-dbscripts = 3.1.0-2.fc17
but it's not going to be installed because the only version of:
ovirt-engine-dbscripts available in the repo is: .

<>*Adrián Gibanel*
I.T. Manager

+34 675 683 301 <>

Ens podeu segui

Re: [Users] ovirt-engine-dbscripts broken dependencies on F17

2012-11-27 Thread Adrian Gibanel
While I was trying to fix it on my own with the commands you will see below I 
have taken a look at the fix which has nothing to do with 3.1 / 3.2 version (I 
was interpreting the bug as its fixing was going to just fix the dependency to 
be ovirt-engine-sdk 3.1 as the manual workaround that Jason Brooks proposed). 
It has to do with the new security mode. 

So... What I understand so far is that: 

* I should have read the commit so see what was actually been fixed and how. 
* If you install ovirt 3.1 in Fedora 17 you will find an ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 
package and that should work fine. 

So sorry about all these warnings and I will give you feedback about how 
ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 package works in Fedora 17. 


yum remove ovirt* 
yum install -y\ 
yum install -y ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone 
ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 12 k 
Instalando para las dependencias: 
ovirt-engine noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 1.0 M 
ovirt-engine-backend noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 7.0 M 
ovirt-engine-config noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 130 k 
ovirt-engine-dbscripts noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 132 k 
ovirt-engine-genericapi noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 18 k 
ovirt-engine-notification-service noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 52 k 
ovirt-engine-restapi noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 5.0 M 
ovirt-engine-sdk noarch updates 211 k 
ovirt-engine-setup noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 115 k 
ovirt-engine-tools-common noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 8.8 k 
ovirt-engine-userportal noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 13 M 
ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal noarch 3.1.0-4.fc17 ovirt-stable 15 M 
ovirt-image-uploader noarch 3.1.0-0.git9c42c8.fc17 ovirt-stable 92 k 
ovirt-iso-uploader noarch 3.1.0-0.git1841d9.fc17 ovirt-stable 29 k 
ovirt-log-collector noarch 3.1.0-0.git10d719.fc17 ovirt-stable 53 k 

Wrong! It's trying to get ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 ! 

# Trying to ignore the 3.2 version unsucessfully 
yum remove ovirt* 
yum install -y\ 
yum install --disablerepo=updates -y ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone 

--> Resoluci�n de dependencias finalizada 
Error: Paquete: ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone-3.1.0-4.fc17.noarch 
Necesita: ovirt-engine-sdk >= 3.2 
Disponible: ovirt-engine-sdk-1.3-1.fc17.noarch (fedora) 
ovirt-engine-sdk = 1.3-1.fc17 
Instalando: ovirt-engine-sdk- (ovirt-stable) 
ovirt-engine-sdk = 
Error: Paquete: ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone-3.1.0-4.fc17.noarch 
Necesita: ovirt-engine-sdk >= 3.2 
Disponible: ovirt-engine-sdk-1.3-1.fc17.noarch (fedora) 
ovirt-engine-sdk = 1.3-1.fc17 
Disponible: ovirt-engine-sdk- (ovirt-stable) 
ovirt-engine-sdk = 
Podr�a intentar utilizar el comando --skip-broken para sortear el problema 

- Mensaje original -

> De: "Adrian Gibanel" 
> Para:
> Enviados: Martes, 27 de Noviembre 2012 13:31:06
> Asunto: [Users] ovirt-engine-dbscripts broken dependencies on F17

> So if I'm not mistaken (I repeat that I don't have too much
> experience in Fedora) the error is:

> ovirt-engine-3.1.0-2.fc17.noarch needs:
> ovirt-engine-dbscripts = 3.1.0-2.fc17
> but it's not going to be installed because the only version of:
> ovirt-engine-dbscripts available in the repo is:
> .


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

Ens podeu seguir a/Nos podeis seguir en: 


Abans d´imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient. El medi ambient és 
cosa de tothom. / Antes de imprimir el mensaje piensa en el medio ambiente. El 
medio ambiente es cosa de todos. 

El contingut d'aquest missatge i els seus annexos és confidencial. Si no en sou 
el destinatari, us fem saber que està prohibit utilitzar-lo, divulgar-lo i/o 
copiar-lo sense tenir l'autorització corresponent. Si heu rebut aquest missatge 
per error, us agrairem que ho feu saber immediatament al remitent i que 
procediu a destruir el missatge . 

El contenido de este mensaje y de sus anexos es confidencial. Si no es el 
destinatario, les hacemos saber que está prohibido utilizarlo, divulgarlo y/o 
copiarlo sin tener la autorización correspondiente. Si han recibido este 
mensaje por error, les agradeceríamos que lo hagan saber inmediatamente al 
remitente y que procedan a destruir el mensaje . 
Users mailing list

[Users] ovirt-engine-dbscripts broken dependencies on F17

2012-11-27 Thread Adrian Gibanel
First of all I don't have too much experience in Fedora to say that this is 
actually a bug so it might be a problem on my part not being able to use repos 
or whatever.

My initial setup is explained in this other mailing list thread:

Basically it's a Fedora 17 minimal installation with a /home mounted on a lvm 
partition and I just want to reinstall the whole oVirt again as an all-in-one 
setup without having to reinstall the whole Fedora 17.

So if I'm not mistaken (I repeat that I don't have too much experience in 
Fedora) the error is:

ovirt-engine-3.1.0-2.fc17.noarch needs:
  ovirt-engine-dbscripts = 3.1.0-2.fc17
but it's not going to be installed because the only version of:
ovirt-engine-dbscripts available in the repo is: .

  More than this I have: ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 installed (instead of 3.1)... 
taking a look at the logs it would seem that:
yum upgrade --skip-broken
is the one that has updated ovirt-engine-sdk to 3.2 version.

  So... if no update of the repository was needed (as per apt-get update is 
usually needed in Debian.) and I just had to run yum upgrade I can confirm that 
bug: 869457 ( )  is not 
fixed at all.

  I'm temted to reinstall all the Fedora 17 again but it would be nice if you 
provided some yum commands to debug if the problem is for everyone or if it's 
specific of my setup so that we can confirm whether bug 869457 is fixed or not.

  Now I'm checking more carefully 
and they say to run:
engine-upgrade command which I haven't run. Anyways I think that running 
engine-cleanup and doing a yum upgrade should work (selecting the right 
ovirt-engine-sdk 3.1 version and not the 3.2 one) and it's not working at all.

Thank you!

(Here goes more or less the log):

This is how I have proceeded:
(Don't proceed like this if you want to keep all your VMs... this is only a 
test machine)

rm -rf /home/iso
rm -rf /home/storage
rm -rf /etc/exports # I don't have any other exports there
yum upgrade # I run yum upgrade because it would seem that ovirt-engine-sdk is 
no longer upgraded to 3.2 as per bug 869457 and .

--> Resoluci�n de dependencias finalizada
Error: Paquete: ovirt-engine-3.1.0-2.fc17.noarch (@ovirt-stable)
   Necesita: ovirt-engine-dbscripts = 3.1.0-2.fc17
   Eliminando: ovirt-engine-dbscripts-3.1.0-2.fc17.noarch 
   ovirt-engine-dbscripts = 3.1.0-2.fc17
   Actualizado por: ovirt-engine-dbscripts-3.1.0-4.fc17.noarch 
   ovirt-engine-dbscripts = 3.1.0-4.fc17
   Disponible: ovirt-engine-dbscripts- (fedora)
   ovirt-engine-dbscripts =
   Disponible: ovirt-engine-dbscripts- 
   ovirt-engine-dbscripts =
 Podr�a intentar utilizar el comando --skip-broken para sortear el problema
** Se ha encontrado 1 problema(s) pre existentes en la base de datos RPM, este 
es el resultado de 'yum check':
kernel-headers-3.6.7-4.mykernel.fc17.x86_64 es uin duplicado con 

yum upgrade --skip-broken:

  dbus.x86_64 1:1.4.10-7.fc17
dbus-libs.x86_64 1:1.4.10-7.fc17
  ovirt-engine-sdk.noarch 0:   
ovirt-engine-setup.noarch 0:3.1.0-4.fc17
  ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone.noarch 0:3.1.0-4.fc17

Ignored (Dependency problems):
  ovirt-engine-dbscripts.noarch 0:3.1.0-4.fc17

Then I have run:

rpm -qa | grep ovirt


so... ovirt-engine-sdk 3.2 version is still there!
The bug is not fixed at all?

Let's downgrade it then:
yum downgrade ovirt-engine-sdk
It doesn't seem to work.

So I have tried:
yum remove kernel-headers-3.6.7-4.fc17.x86_64

And then: yum upgrade
[root@ns231094 ~]# yum upgrade
Complementos cargados:versionlock
Resolviendo dependencias
--> Ejecutando prueba de transacci�n
---> Paquete