Dear oVirt users,

I'm currently migrating our gluster setup, so i've done a gluster replace brick 
to the new machines.
Now i'm trying to update the connection strings of the related storage domains 
including the one hosting the ovirt-engine (which i believe cannot be brought 
down for maintenance). At the same time i'm trying to disable the "Use managed 
gluster volume" feature.
i've had tested this in a lab setup, but somehow i'm running into issues on the 
actual setup.

On the lab setup it was enough to run a query like this;
UPDATE public.storage_server_connections
        WHERE id='29aae3ce-61e4-4fcd-a8f2-ab0a0c07fa48';
on the live setup i also seem to run a query like this;
UPDATE public.gluster_volumes
        SET task_id=NULL
        WHERE id='9a552d7a-8a0d-4bae-b5a2-1cb8a7edf5c9';
i couldn't really find where this task_id relates to, but it does make the 
checkbox for "Use managed gluster volume" being unchecked in the web interface.

in the lab setup it was enough to run within the hosted engine;
- service ovirt-engine restart
and then bring an ovirt-host machine to maintenance, and active it again. and 
the changed connection string was being mounted in the 
/rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ directory.
Also the vm's after being shutdown and brought up again, started using the new 
connection string.

But now on the production instance, when i restart the engine the connection 
string is restored to the original values in the storage_server_connections 
table. I don't really understand where the engine gathers this information from.
Any advice on how to actually change the connection strings would by highly 

Thanks Olaf
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