Glad to hear all is well now. Just to recap regarding your question;

All the values you mention are measured for every scheduling decision.
The conclusion I gave you is based on the code. The actual numbers may
vary so unless you check the values while the scheduler is working, every
number we use is an approximation and it's hard to provide an exact numeric
result other than the formula.

Take care and happy new year,

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 9:02 AM, pc <p...@pcswo.com> wrote:

> Hi Doron,
> [repost...I forgot to change html to plain test again when I replied a few
> hours ago...sorry about the format..]
> Thank you, I disabled swap on hosts, and migrated 2 vms from n33 to n34 an
> hour ago, everything's fine.
> 1) Just a little confused about how to caculate the value.
> ###and I quote,
> ----
> And in your case we see the value is > 0.
> This means that swap_total < (swap_free+mem_available) or in general
> your host is swapping.
> ----
> ###data in my case:
> [n34]
> # free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:         32057      31713        344          0         78      13074
> -/+ buffers/cache:      18560      13497
> Swap:        29999       5098      24901
> Physical Memory:                            32057 MB total, 18593 MB used,
> 13464 MB free
> Swap Size:                                  29999 MB total, 5098 MB used,
> 24901 MB free
> Max free Memory for scheduling new VMs:     21644.5 MB
> ----
> ## formula in my case:
> swap_total - swap_free > mem_available
> ## substituting =>
> swap_total = 29999,  swap_free = 24901, mem_available = ?
> (mem_available  is 344 or 13497 ? Obviously the former value match the
> fomula, right?)
> 2) suggestion
> Disable swap on ovirt host should be explicit indicated in the
> document.(for instance: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:Doron Fediuck <dfedi...@redhat.com>
> Time:2015 Dec 29 (Tue) 20:40
> To:pc <p...@pcswo.com>
> Cc:users <users@ovirt.org>, Golan, Roy <rgo...@redhat.com>
> Subject:Re: [ovirt-users] host xxx did no satisfy internal filter Memory
> because its swap value was illegal.
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 5:54 AM, pc <p...@pcswo.com> wrote:
> [sorry, this is my first time to use mailing list, repost again, with
> content from html to plain text]
> ### Description ###
> 1. problem
> 1) migrate vm {name:xyz001, mem(min, max) = (2G,4G)} from ovirt host n33
> to n34, failed.
> 2) shutting down vm {name: test001, mem(min, max) = (1G,1G)} on n34,
> update test001's config: Host->Start Running On: Specific(n34), then start
> test001, while, it's running on n33.
> 2. err message
> Error while executing action: migrate
> [engine gui]
> xyz001:
> Cannot migrate VM. There is no host that satisfies current scheduling
> constraints. See below for details:
> The host n33 did not satisfy internal filter Memory because has availabe
> 1863 MB memory. Insufficient free memory to run the VM.
> The host n34 did not satisfy internal filter Memory because its swap value
> was illegal.
> [engine.log]
> INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand] (default task-23)
> [5916aa3b] Lock Acquired to object
> 'EngineLock:{exclusiveLocks='[73351885-9a92-4317-baaf-e4f2bed1171a=<VM,
> sharedLocks='null'}'
> INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.scheduling.SchedulingManager] (default
> task-23) [5916aa3b] Candidate host 'n34'
> ('2ae3a219-ae9a-4347-b1e2-0e100360231e') was filtered out by
> 'VAR__FILTERTYPE__INTERNAL' filter 'Memory' (correlation id: null)
> INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.scheduling.SchedulingManager] (default
> task-23) [5916aa3b] Candidate host 'n33'
> ('688aec34-5630-478e-ae5e-9d57990804e5') was filtered out by
> 'VAR__FILTERTYPE__INTERNAL' filter 'Memory' (correlation id: null)
> WARN  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand] (default task-23)
> [5916aa3b] CanDoAction of action 'MigrateVm' failed for user admin@internal.
> Reasons:
> n33,$filterName Memory,$availableMem
> n34,$filterName
> INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand] (default task-23)
> [5916aa3b] Lock freed to object
> 'EngineLock:{exclusiveLocks='[73351885-9a92-4317-baaf-e4f2bed1171a=<VM,
> sharedLocks='null'}'
> 3. DC
> Compatibility Version: 3.5
> 4. Cluster
> Memory Optimization: For Server Load - Allow scheduling of 150% of
> physical memory
> Memory Balloon: Enable Memory Balloon Optimization
> Enable KSM: Share memory pages across all available memory (best KSM
> effectivness)
> 5. HOST
> name: n33, n34
> mem: 32G
> 6. VM
> [n33] 11 vms
> (min, max) = (2G,4G) = 8
> (min, max) = (2G,8G) = 1
> (min, max) = (2G,2G) = 2
> total: 22G/44G
> [n34] 7 vms
> (min, max) = (0.5G,1G) = 1
> (min, max) = (1G,2G) = 1
> (min, max) = (2G,2G) = 1
> (min, max) = (2G,4G) = 3
> (min, max) = (8G,8G) = 1
> total: 17.5G/25G
> --------------------------------------------
> (min, max) = (2G,4G) stands for:
> Memory Size: 4G
> Physical Memory Guaranteed: 2G
> Memory Balloon Device Enabled: checked
> --------------------------------------------
> 7. rpm version
> [root@n33 ~]# rpm -qa |grep vdsm
> vdsm-yajsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el6.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el6.noarch
> vdsm-cli-4.16.27-0.el6.noarch
> vdsm-python-zombiereaper-4.16.27-0.el6.noarch
> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.16.27-0.el6.noarch
> vdsm-python-4.16.27-0.el6.noarch
> vdsm-4.16.27-0.el6.x86_64
> [root@engine ~]# rpm -qa |grep ovirt
> ovirt-release36-001-2.noarch
> ovirt-engine-setup-base-
> ovirt-engine-setup-
> ovirt-image-uploader-3.6.0-1.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-wildfly-8.2.0-1.el6.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-vmconsole-proxy-helper-
> ovirt-host-deploy-1.4.0-1.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-backend-
> ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal-
> ovirt-engine-jboss-as-7.1.1-1.el6.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-lib-
> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-common-
> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-
> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-websocket-proxy-
> ovirt-engine-sdk-python-
> ovirt-iso-uploader-3.6.0-1.el6.noarch
> ovirt-vmconsole-proxy-1.0.0-1.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-extensions-api-impl-
> ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-
> ovirt-engine-vmconsole-proxy-helper-
> ebay-cors-filter-1.0.1-0.1.ovirt.el6.noarch
> ovirt-host-deploy-java-1.4.0-1.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-tools-
> ovirt-engine-restapi-
> ovirt-engine-
> ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-jdbc-1.0.1-1.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-cli-
> ovirt-vmconsole-1.0.0-1.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-wildfly-overlay-001-2.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-dbscripts-
> ovirt-engine-userportal-
> ovirt-guest-tools-iso-3.6.0-0.2_master.fc22.noarch
> ### DB ###
> [root@engine ~]# su postgres
> bash-4.1$ cd ~
> bash-4.1$ psql engine
> engine=# select vds_id, physical_mem_mb, mem_commited, vm_active,
> vm_count, reserved_mem, guest_overhead, transparent_hugepages_state,
> pending_vmem_size from vds_dynamic;
>                 vds_id                | physical_mem_mb | mem_commited |
> vm_active | vm_count | reserved_mem | guest_overhead |
> transparent_hugepages_state | pending_vmem_size
> --------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------+-----------+----------+--------------+----------------+-----------------------------+-------------------
>  688aec34-5630-478e-ae5e-9d57990804e5 |           32057 |        45836 |
>       11 |       11 |          321 |             65 |
>      2 |                 0
>  2ae3a219-ae9a-4347-b1e2-0e100360231e |           32057 |        26120 |
>        7 |        7 |          321 |             65 |
>      2 |                 0
> (2 rows)
> ### memory ###
> [n33]
> # free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:         32057      31770        287          0         41       6347
> -/+ buffers/cache:      25381       6676
> Swap:        29999      10025      19974
> Physical Memory:                            32057 MB total, 25646 MB used,
> 6411 MB free
> Swap Size:                                  29999 MB total, 10025 MB used,
> 19974 MB free
> Max free Memory for scheduling new VMs:     1928.5 MB
> [n34]
> # free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:         32057      31713        344          0         78      13074
> -/+ buffers/cache:      18560      13497
> Swap:        29999       5098      24901
> Physical Memory:                            32057 MB total, 18593 MB used,
> 13464 MB free
> Swap Size:                                  29999 MB total, 5098 MB used,
> 24901 MB free
> Max free Memory for scheduling new VMs:     21644.5 MB
> ### code ###
> ##from: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine
> v3.6.0
> ##from:
> D:\code\java\ovirt-engine\backend\manager\modules\dal\src\main\resources\bundles\AppErrors.properties
> VAR__DETAIL__SWAP_VALUE_ILLEGAL=$detailMessage its swap value was illegal
> ##from:
> D:\code\java\ovirt-engine\backend\manager\modules\bll\src\main\java\org\ovirt\engine\core\bll\scheduling\policyunits\MemoryPolicyUnit.java
> #-----------code--------------1#
>     private boolean isVMSwapValueLegal(VDS host) {
>         if (!Config.<Boolean> getValue(ConfigValues.EnableSwapCheck)) {
>                     return true;
>                 }
>     (omitted..)
>         return ((swap_total - swap_free - mem_available) * 100 /
> physical_mem_mb) <= Config.<Integer>
> getValue(ConfigValues.BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage)
>     (omitted..)
>     }
> #-----------code--------------1#
> if EnableSwapCheck = False then return True, so we can simply disable this
> option? Any Suggestion?
> [root@engine ~]# engine-config --get BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage
> BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage: 0 version: general
> so,,
> Config.<Integer>
> getValue(ConfigValues.BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage) = 0
> so,,
> (swap_total - swap_free - mem_available) * 100 / physical_mem_mb <= 0
> so,,
> swap_total - swap_free - mem_available <= 0
> right?
> so,, if (swap_total - swap_free) <= mem_available then return True else
> return False
> #-----------code--------------2#
>        for (VDS vds : hosts) {
>             if (!isVMSwapValueLegal(vds)) {
>                 log.debug("Host '{}' swap value is illegal",
> vds.getName());
>                 messages.addMessage(vds.getId(),
> EngineMessage.VAR__DETAIL__SWAP_VALUE_ILLEGAL.toString());
>                 continue;
>             }
>             if (!memoryChecker.evaluate(vds, vm)) {
>                 int hostAavailableMem =
> SlaValidator.getInstance().getHostAvailableMemoryLimit(vds);
>                 log.debug("Host '{}' has {} MB available. Insufficient
> memory to run the VM",
>                         vds.getName(),
>                         hostAavailableMem);
>                 messages.addMessage(vds.getId(),
> String.format("$availableMem %1$d", hostAavailableMem));
>                 messages.addMessage(vds.getId(),
> EngineMessage.VAR__DETAIL__NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY.toString());
>                 continue;
>             }
>             (omitted..)
>         }
> #-----------code--------------2#
> !isVMSwapValueLegal then throw exception, right?
> so,, when we migrate vm from n33 to n34, the swap status on n34 actually
> is:
> (swap_total - swap_free) > mem_available
> swap_used > mem_available? confused...
> so,, the logic is:
> 1) check n33: swap[passed], then memory[failed], then goto
> (for..continue..loop)
> 2) check n34: swap[failed], then goto (for..continue..loop)
> If I have misunderstood anything, please let me know.
> ### conclusion ###
> 1) n33 do not have enough memory. [yes, I know that.]
> 2) n34 memory is illegal [why and how to solve it?]
> 3) what I tried:
> --change config: BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage
> [root@engine ~]# engine-config --set
> BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage=75 -cver general
> [root@engine ~]# engine-config --get BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage
> BlockMigrationOnSwapUsagePercentage: 75 version: general
> Result: failed.
> --disable EnableSwapCheck
> How? Option not found from 'engine-config --list', should I update table
> field direct from db?
> --disable swap partition on host
> Should I do this operation?
> --update ovirt-engine?
> No useful infomation found in latest release note, should I do this
> operation?
> ### help ###
> any help would be appreciated.
> ZYXW. Reference
> http://www.ovirt.org/Sla/FreeMemoryCalculation
> http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2012-November/010858.html
> http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-March/013201.html
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.ovirt.user/19288
> http://jim.rippon.me.uk/2013/07/ovirt-testing-english-instructions-for.html
> Hi,
> Let me simplify things.
> We do not allow swapping in general. The reason is that it kills the
> performance
> of all hosts.
> As you were able to see in our code (0 is the default config value we have)
> we expect the following expression:
> swap_total - swap_free - mem_available) * 100 / physical_mem_mb) <= 0
> And in your case we see the value is > 0.
> This means that swap_total < (swap_free+mem_available) or in general
> your host is swapping.
> Since the host is swapping, we do not allow to run a VM on it.
> Let me know if you have any further questions.
> Doron
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