The best is to use this tool:

$ ovirt-engine-extensions-tool --log-level=FINEST aaa search
--extension-name=your-openldap-authz-name --entity-name=myuser

It prints pretty verbose output, which you can analyze.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 9:01 AM, NUNIN Roberto <> wrote:
> I’ve two oVirt pods used for labs.
> These two pods are configured in the same way (three node with gluster)
> Trying to setup LDAP auth, towards the same OpenLDAP server, setup ends
> correctly in both engine VM.
> When I try to perform system permission modification, only one of these is
> recognizing the LDAP groups and allow setup and next users belonging to
> defined groups to log-in and perform assigned level tasks.
> On the second engine, system permissions, even if it recognize the LDAP
> domain (it appear in the selection box for search base) do not find nothing,
> groups or individuals.
> How to analyze this ? I wasn’t able to find logs useful for troubleshooting.
> Setup ended correctly with both Login and Search tasks complete successful.
> Thanks
> Roberto
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