RE: Work on Emulation

2018-05-14 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Alina, really great job! Just for my understanding: Is the main goal of those emulations that you are able to compile your Flex application by using Royale in order to ease the migration? Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Work on Emulation

2018-05-15 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi, using the entire namespace in your code is one idea, e.g. something like this: var httpService:mx.rpc.http.HTTPService = new mx.rpc.http.HTTPService(); Hope this helps, Olaf -- Sent from:

RE: Work on Emulation

2018-05-15 Thread Olaf Krueger
>Issue occurs when I add reference in MXRoyaleClasses >and it gives "Ambiguous reference" I probably don't understand what you mean here. Could you share some more code? Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

RE: Work on Emulation

2018-05-15 Thread Olaf Krueger
Maybe this way?: import mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject; mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject.RemoteObject; import mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject; mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject.RemoteObject; -- Sent from:

RE: Work on Emulation

2018-05-15 Thread Olaf Krueger
Sorry, copy and paste issue, I mean this: import mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject; mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject; import mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject; mx.rpc.remoting.mxml..RemoteObject; -- Sent from:

RE: Work on Emulation

2018-05-29 Thread Olaf Krueger
>All mx and spark Components are emulated except 1 that is in Progress. Great work and incredible progress! Keep it up ;-) Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: First steps of migration Flex to Royale

2018-06-08 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi, you basically have to replace all spark, mx, and Flash dependencies by its Royale counterparts. Your pure AS3 code will probably work out of the box. I am on the road with less bandwitdh, maybe someone other could provide a Royale counterpart for your given example? A good starting point are

Re: Apache Flex AIR Application problems with a limitation of two HTTP request on windows

2018-12-19 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Carlos, interesting topic, good to know about it! If I understand it correctly, the connection limit is related to the same domain name. Maybe one solution could be to outsource heavy server-side requests to another server/domain? If that doesn't work, is it not just a possibility to queue yo

Re: Apache Flex AIR Application problems with a limitation of two HTTP request on windows

2018-12-20 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Carlos, just for the case if you end up to queue your requests: There's a "PureMVC AsyncCommand utility" available which does something like this [1]: "The AsyncCommand utility offers a solution to the problem of executing a series of commands each of which may need to complete one or more asyn

Re: Live PrintUI Demo

2017-10-28 Thread Olaf Krueger
Impressive job Yishay and Harbs!! Thanks for pushing Royale forward during your journey! Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Image jumps when trying to position it in the centre

2017-11-21 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Justin, it seems to me that the "CenterElement" [1] bead aligns the image by calculating the x and y position of the image by using its width/height and the width/height of its parent container. Maybe this is the reason for the jump cause the position could not calculate until the image is loade

Re: Release version acting different to debug version

2017-11-26 Thread Olaf Krueger
Justin Mclean wrote > Is seems odd that homepage works while shortdesc doesn’t. Maybe there's something inside the 'homepage' string which causes the issue? Do you've tried to remove the ® from the string to see what happens? Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Release version acting different to debug version

2017-11-26 Thread Olaf Krueger
Which FlexJS/Royale version do you use? I remember that this worked for me with FlexJS 0.8.0 [1]. (I will check it out soon with the latest snapshot version). [1] private function onResult(result:Event):void { var jsonResult:Object =

Re: Release version acting different to debug version

2017-11-26 Thread Olaf Krueger
>Did you try both debug and release versions? I probably remember it wrong so sorry for the confusion! I didn't notice Harbs post before posting, I guess Harbs knows what's going on. We should put it to the Royale docs ;-) I'll try to continue the work with the docs after I finished the "Try-it-no

Re: Release version acting different to debug version

2017-11-27 Thread Olaf Krueger
Justin Mclean wrote > This on the other hand does work and is probably a nice way to encapsulate > the issue as you can use dot notation and get type safety outside the > class. > > package { > public class ReturnedJSON { > > public var description:String; > public var homepage:String; >

Re: Spark components in flexJS

2017-12-07 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi, I've also just checked it out by using one of the latest Royale builds and it just works for me. Notice that the "VerticalLayoutWithPaddingAndGap" bead has to be placed as a child of the list to make it work. If you've still no luck please don't hesitate to ask! I am pretty sure that anybody he

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.7.0 Released

2017-12-08 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Piotr, that sounds promising, I am looking forward to checking it out! Thanks for working on this! BTW: I noticed that "Apache FlexJS" is still mentioned at some places on ;-) Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.7.0 Released

2017-12-15 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Piotr, thank you! If I understand it correctly the Moonshine "CodeCompletition" feature depends on a JAVA SDK. Moreover, I found that there's a chance that it could be blocked by your local firewall. Maybe it would be helpful for others to add a something like a "Requirements" section to "http:

Re: Simple "Guess which Apache logo is what" Apache Royale application

2017-12-19 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Justin, I just had fun playing with your app, nice idea! I guess we need more of these public available single-file Royale demos ;-) Thanks for sharing this! Olaf -- Sent from:

Need help with states

2017-12-25 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi, I am trying to change the text of a TextButton by using states [1] but the text of the button is always empty. I've tried several things but nothing works for me. It seems to me that that the value of currentState is set correctly, but it doesn't have any effect on the properties of the compone

Re: Need help with states

2017-12-26 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi guys, the MXML and also the fx:style way works for me. Before asking here I've already thought about a missing bead and so I tried different ways to find out the name of the bead: IDEs CodeCompletion doesn't work cause the bead name doesn't start with "State*". Then I searched the asjs repo but

Re: Need help with states

2017-12-27 Thread Olaf Krueger
>Cause code completion should show also those items which has words in the middle of sentence. Let me know. Yes, I am currently using Moonshine. Maybe I am doing something wrong but for me, code completion finds only items that matches e.g this pattern 'state*' (from the beginning of the item name

Re: Need help with states

2017-12-27 Thread Olaf Krueger
> things "just work" without so much configuring For me, it is no problem to add some beads... as long there's a fair chance to find it ;-) Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

RE: Need help with states

2017-12-27 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Yishay, >For what it’s worth I have an example [1] for States in the Examples repo. Thanks, Yishay. Your examples are very helpful! I've already looked at it two days ago but for whatever reason, the state's branch appeared empty for me. However, maybe it makes sense to add a hint regarding '

Re: Need help with states

2017-12-27 Thread Olaf Krueger
>you will definitely see everything what you need there when you type "state". :) Sounds great!! :-) Olaf -- Sent from:

How to capture the ACE Editor with Royale?

2017-12-27 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi, I am working on our "Royale Try-it-now app" and would like to capture the JS ACE-Editor [1]. (I first chose ACE over the Monaco editor cause ACE supports AS3 and latter does not support mobile) Thanks to Piotr's Patreon stuff I stumbled over the 'inject_html' feature but I am not sure if this i

Re: How to capture the ACE Editor with Royale?

2017-12-28 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Alex, I just remember that you've already shared this "BatchScanner" article sometimes ago ;-) Thanks for not getting tired doing this! Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: How to capture the ACE Editor with Royale?

2017-12-28 Thread Olaf Krueger
Just for understanding: Is there no need to instantiate a 'barcodeScanner' object here [1] cause this class is marked as 'externs' (TypeDefs) and so it just calls some JS functions? Thanks, Olaf [1]

Re: How to capture the ACE Editor with Royale?

2017-12-28 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Alex, unbelievable, but I've overlooked that these are static methods... I should sleep at night instead of doing this stuff ;-) Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

How to achieve 'fullscreen' layout

2018-01-03 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi, I just set the width and height of a group to "100%" in order to let the content fit the browser window but this doesn't work for me. Especially after browser resizing. This is an example of what I mean with "fullscreen" [1]. It seems that in this example the fullscreen layout is achieved by th

Re: How to achieve 'fullscreen' layout

2018-01-03 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Harbs, could you provide some code snippets, I'd really appreciate it ;-) Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Royale Documentation

2018-01-04 Thread Olaf Krueger
If I understand it correctly there is something like this but it is currently broken, maybe Piotr or Alex could help with this? Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: How to achieve 'fullscreen' layout

2018-01-04 Thread Olaf Krueger
Thanks Harbs and Alex, the BrowserResizeListener bead basically works for me, but at some point, there are always scrollbars visible. I'll investigate it later... Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Royale Documentation

2018-01-04 Thread Olaf Krueger
I guess Piotr is referring to this [1] [1] -- Sent from:

RE: Royale Documentation

2018-01-04 Thread Olaf Krueger
>It’s things like this that might discourage potentials users (btw including me). If it’s because of bandwidth... I think it's all about manpower ;-) Please keep in mind that Flex and Royale are mostly community driven by volunteers. If you'd like to help out I'd like to encourage you to follow t

Re: Royale Documentation

2018-01-04 Thread Olaf Krueger
> You can use in the meantime alternative address to the documentation. Keep in mind that this this is a Royale app which works but needs some more love. Especially if you swich between classes you might feel lost sometimes because there's no busy/loading indicator implemented that indicates that

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.8.0 Released

2018-01-12 Thread Olaf Krueger
I installed it on Windows10 (without removing the old version before) and it seems to me that it works like a charm! >Code Completion List: Show items in the list which contain the entered characters at any position Should this work even without using an asterisk? Thank you! Olaf -- Sent from

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.8.0 Released

2018-01-12 Thread Olaf Krueger
>What do you mean by asterisk ... Maybe am wrong, but it seems to me that I have to type *Flex in order to get also CC suggestions like 'VerticalFlexLayout'. Is that the way how it should work? Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Getting started is not so easy..

2018-01-12 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi, as long Josh's "VSCode Royale version" isn't released, I guess an easy way to make Royale work with an IDE in order to experience with the framework, is by using Moonshine and the Royale JSOnly package. You just have to install Moonshine, download the JSOnly SDK and update the Moonshine setting

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.8.0 Released

2018-01-12 Thread Olaf Krueger
Piotr, Mhhh... I've also just updated Moonshine on my machine here at work and here it works like a charm, that way you mentioned. I'll give it a second try at home tonight... maybe I have to throw my machine away... you know I've still some maven issues with this machine ;-) Thanks, Olaf --

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.8.0 Released

2018-01-13 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Piotr, still no success, I filed a github issue [1]. Thanks, Olaf [1] -- Sent from:

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.8.0 Released

2018-01-13 Thread Olaf Krueger
Restarting my machine one more time resolves the issue now... for whatever reason. Sorry for annoying you! Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: FW: Application Structure

2018-02-13 Thread Olaf Krueger
>Do any of the lists and data grids use variable row height? Just an idea if you need some more datagrid features: The guys from "flexicious" [1], who still provide a powerful Flex datagrid also provides an HTML version of this datagrid which is called "htmltreegrid". I guess they tried to adopt s

Re: Moonshine IDE 1.9.0 Released!

2018-02-13 Thread Olaf Krueger
Sounds great Piotr, thank you! Looking forward to checking out the new features :-) Thanks, Olaf -- Sent from:

Re: Say Hello to TranspiledActionScript Idea!

2018-02-22 Thread Olaf Krueger
Hi Piotr, thanks for this really great work! @all Please don't overlook the last link [7]! ;-) Go ahead and support Piotr in order to enable him to continue his awesome work! Thanks, Olaf [7] -- Sent from: