On 12.01.2017 10:33, Carsten Woltmann (carsten.woltm...@basycon.com) wrote:

> in our SOGo configuration, we have set
> /SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = NO/ in order to avoid duplicate
> notifications (e.g. from clients using thunderbird, outlook, ...)
> Unfortunately SOGo now refuses to send any notifications at all, even if
> explicitly switched on upon event creation in the web interface.
> Thunderbird does not offer notifications now as well (checkbox is greyed
> out). :-(
> So I am left with essentially two questions:
>  1. (How) can I selectively disable automatic notifications while
>     allowing manual override (using the checkbox in the webinterface or
>     thunderbird or ...)?
>  2. I have the feeling that this cant be the best solution. Is there a
>     better way to properly manage notifications in a mixed-client
>     (outlook, thunderbird, android, iOS, SOGo-Webinterface, ...)
>     environment without producing duplicates, etc.?

Nice to see that it happens not only in our installation of SOGo.
@Inverse: Please fix that, it's confusing for our users.

R. Cirksena

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