Quickly showing branch ancestrally?

2015-09-15 Thread Paul Hammant
OK, 'svn copy' makes branches. Most would follow the standard trunk/tags/branches model. If you don't though, if you dip your toe into the world of creative/arbitrary branch designs, it is not clear how you catalog your branch mappings. By comparison, Perforce has branch-specs (which are not perfec

Re: Quickly showing branch ancestrally?

2015-09-15 Thread Paul Hammant
rote: > On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 05:10:30AM -0400, Paul Hammant wrote: > > OK, 'svn copy' makes branches. Most would follow the standard > > trunk/tags/branches model. If you don't though, if you dip your toe into > > the world of creative/arbitrary branch desig

In order to branch mappings list, I did this ...

2015-09-15 Thread Paul Hammant
(following on from my message from 16 hrs ago) I'd make a Jenkins job that ran ... svn up -q repoRoot=$(svn info | grep "^URL: " | sed "s/URL: //") rm -f .branch_mappings for f in *; do svn ls "$repoRoot/$f" --depth immediates > .immediates while read p; do svn -q log --verbose --stop-on-

Re: In order to branch mappings list, I did this ...

2015-09-15 Thread Paul Hammant
Incidentally, I wish there were a "--depth N" parameter to make all that easier. intermediates and files was not enough from root, and infinity as too far.

Merge tracking (cherry-pick) error in Svn ... looking for confirmation before filing a JIRA ticket.

2016-06-07 Thread Paul Hammant
Except I filed the ticket instead of reading the ticket-filing instructions, so ‘before' really is ‘after' – oops: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-4635 Reproduction: git clone https://github.com/paul-hammant/subversion_testing.git cd subversion_testing

Expanding/contracting monorepos

2017-02-19 Thread Paul Hammant
I wrote this about Git's sparse checkout features: http://paulhammant.com/2017/02/08/further-experiments-with-expanding-contracting-monorepos/ I'd love it if someone ported the exact same solution to Subversion. It should be quite easy. This is a massively underused feature of Subversion. It is

Re: "Unable to parse reversed revision range" when merging from trunk to branch

2017-07-07 Thread Paul Hammant
> Done: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-4686 > > Jumping in with something that's in the same area - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-4635 is a merge tracking (or merge info/range props) bug that is still there in v1.9.6, in case anyone wants a scripted reproduction (30 seconds o

Re: "Unable to parse reversed revision range" when merging from trunk to branch

2017-07-07 Thread Paul Hammant
"SVN-4635: Cherry-pick merge scenario causes Svn to choke" June 11th, 2016 Ponymail isn't letting me go back more than a month, so I can't give you a link to the thread - sorry.

Re: svn vs. git

2017-07-20 Thread Paul Hammant
> > Code review is the main one, but this is driven by github.com more than > git itself, I guess. > That was the game changer wasn't it. Github's platform had built in code-review with the pull request conce

Re: svn vs. git

2017-07-22 Thread Paul Hammant
> > > > As Branko already said, work is being done for this, as we speak. So if > you're interested and want to share your ideas about how this should work > in Subversion, hop over to dev@ and give your thoughts. There are some > google docs written by Julian Foad with design ideas, UI proposal et

Re: Checkout without storing two copies

2017-09-27 Thread Paul Hammant
> > As I have not used SVN for several years I realize that this feature > may have been added. If not has it been considered? I have a file-sync agent that uses a non-standard Subversion install as a backing-store over WebDAV. It only keeps one copy on the client side, and will shuttle all saves

Re: Checkout without storing two copies

2017-09-27 Thread Paul Hammant
> * HTTP(S) based sync protocol. Mine uses Subversions WebDAV as is. > * All files, both on the client and the server, are stored as plain files with there original names. Mine too, or plain binary 'as is' > * Stores limited version history on the server only. Has limited support for file versi

Corporations that have a Subversion install - fancy deploying a file-sync tech that uses it?

2017-10-19 Thread Paul Hammant
http://subsyncit.com/ If you're prepared to make a few additions to httpd.conf, you can get running with this Python3 technology to do file-sync using Subversion as the backing store. It doesn't require any client-side Subversion install, but does Python and some pips. At least up until I make an

Re: How to synchronise a SVN repository with a local one

2017-10-31 Thread Paul Hammant
Consider using Git-subversion. 1. git svn clone https://svn.code.sf.net/p/moritz/Archive_SVN/ myGitSvnClone 2. edits, git-add, git-commit (all offine) as usual 3. git svn dcommit # does the push back to subversion (must be online) 4. git svn rebase # is effectively the checkout you're more fam

Re: 4 eyes priciple on subversion

2017-12-08 Thread Paul Hammant
I think Hans means code review prior to the commit landing in branch that other people are continually doing 'svn up' from. If so, Rietveld, Gerrit specifically enable code review before the commit lands. Commercial vendors such as RhodeCode an Assembla have code-review capabilities in their large

Re: Apache svn - how to customize rendering?

2017-12-10 Thread Paul Hammant
There's dupes in here no doubt - https://github.com/search?q=SVNIndexXSLT&type=Code&utf8=%E2%9C%93 - but you'll see plenty of examples (not tutorials, sorry)

Re: Apache svn - how to customize rendering?

2017-12-10 Thread Paul Hammant
(linked worked for me - specifically I clicked in my email package - gmail) Go to https://github.com, in the search box at the top, type "SVNIndexXSLT", press enter, click "code". There are 2,362 hits. Here is what you will see after that :- https://screencast.com/t/007zHNoHL - Paul

Re: Apache svn - how to customize rendering?

2017-12-10 Thread Paul Hammant
> > > > It's not linked from anywhere in the interface, but it works: > > https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/?p=85 > > (Aside: I wonder whether we should add a simple to the > directory index page as UI for this) > +1

Re: Apache svn - how to customize rendering?

2017-12-10 Thread Paul Hammant
Docker and ViewCVS on Github - 76 matches - https://screencast.com/t/y9GZgopQZ Though you're not interested in Docker, some of those will be terse enough to be able to learn from to apply to your own situation.

Re: Checksum mismatch with 1.9.7

2017-12-11 Thread Paul Hammant
Well done for trying experiments so far. One more perhaps? 1. Make a new machine that is also 1.8.19. 2. Restore the dump file into that. 3. Upgrade that Subversion to 1.9.7 - following advice in the release notes for repo upgrades too 4. Make a dump file again on that new machine. 5. Try to resto

Re: Apache svn - how to customize rendering?

2017-12-11 Thread Paul Hammant
Hi Bo, I keep trying to drive you to look at working Docker configurations on Github. Here's one https://github.com/RainerBlessing/Docker-ViewVC for ViewVC on Ubuntu14.10. Can you run docker for yourself? In terms of self-education you need to be able to run Docker on you Mac or Windows workstati

Re: Bugreport: invalid xml file produced by: svn log --xml --verbose --use-merge-history --search "msg1"

2017-12-12 Thread Paul Hammant
I would say yes, but I am an end user too. The good news is that it feels like a bug that would be easy to solve.

Re: E130003: The XML response contains invalid XML - svn co and log issue on some repos using https/http

2018-02-27 Thread Paul Hammant
See what you can see on the server-side Apache logs - https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/115972/how-do-i-find-where-apache-keeps-the-log-files (and others; or adjust for your Linux).

Re: E130003: The XML response contains invalid XML - svn co and log issue on some repos using https/http

2018-02-27 Thread Paul Hammant
Do you get the same error with a testfile.txt resource in a freshly created (and Apache mounted) Subversion repo?

Re: E130003: The XML response contains invalid XML - svn co and log issue on some repos using https/http

2018-02-28 Thread Paul Hammant
As you work toward a conclusion, Andy, do you think there was a different error message that could have driven you to root cause more quickly?

Re: subversion not detecting apr and apr-utils libraries

2018-03-07 Thread Paul Hammant
Guido, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SERF-188 might have a bearing too depending on your flavor of Linux. - Paul

Re: trunkless svn: using svn without a trunk

2018-03-08 Thread Paul Hammant
> > Does anyone have any experience of how well this works out in practice? > I make a living visiting enterprises to help them get *to* Trunk-Based Development and *away* from other branching models. The advocacy site: https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com for your bookmarks :)

Re: trunkless svn: using svn without a trunk

2018-03-08 Thread Paul Hammant
> > I make a living visiting enterprises to help them get *to* Trunk-Based > Development and *away* from other branching models. The advocacy site: > https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com for your bookmarks :) > > I have already read some of your site, and the impression I got was that > it's mostly

Re: trunkless svn: using svn without a trunk

2018-03-08 Thread Paul Hammant
> The long and short of it is that whatever branching model you decide to > use, its success depends on discipline and documentation more than > anything else (as well as fitting the tool's (mis)features, of course). > Whether or not cascading branches work for you really depends on whether > they

Re: E195019: Redirect cycle detected for URL

2018-03-26 Thread Paul Hammant
I'd LOVE svn client to be able to follow 302 for GETs, but in the "Moved Temporarily" mode of the original intent :) I've been thinking about it quite a bit recently when designing extremely loaded Svn solutions. - Paul

Re: SVN out-of-the-box web interface improvements somewhere?

2018-04-09 Thread Paul Hammant
[Off topic] A pure JavaScript UI would be super cool - one that did PROPFIND, OPTIONS and the entire gamut of Subversion API calls to make a UI.

Re: SVN out-of-the-box web interface improvements somewhere?

2018-04-09 Thread Paul Hammant
> [Off topic] A pure JavaScript UI would be super cool - one that did PROPFIND, OPTIONS and the entire gamut of Subversion API calls to make a UI. Ahh, somebody spiked a POC in 2011 - https://stackoverflow.com/a/24882467/832725

Re: How to check out a project based on commit time rather than rev?

2018-05-18 Thread Paul Hammant
{2012-05-06}:{2017-01-01} > > log.txt > > So now I can use this to compare the files and add what is lacking to > the wc I have checked out to make it be current at the date I need. > > Sorry for the noise! > > -- > Bo Berglund > Developer in Sweden > > -

Re: How to check out a project based on commit time rather than rev?

2018-05-18 Thread Paul Hammant
Ooops, my apologies for top posting, folks.

Re: Missing / in Unix file URL https://subversion.apache.org/quick-start

2018-08-16 Thread Paul Hammant
Not answering your question, but could you explain more about your 'serverless' use - sounds intriguing. - Paul

Error connecting to svn.apache.org

2018-09-02 Thread Paul Hammant
For svn 1.10.2, when I do: $ svn log http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk it results in: svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ' http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk' svn: E120108: Error running context: The server unexpectedly closed the connection

Re: Error connecting to svn.apache.org

2018-09-02 Thread Paul Hammant
I'd already tried something similar, but will paste in the result: $ svn log Redirecting to URL 'https://dist.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk': svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://dist.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/

Re: Error connecting to svn.apache.org

2018-09-02 Thread Paul Hammant
Hmmm, OK this shifts the problem: mv ~/.subversion ~/.subversionOLD I mean doing the log operation after that now works as expected. - Paul

Re: Error connecting to svn.apache.org

2018-09-02 Thread Paul Hammant
Dammit, false alarm - there was a proxy definition in there just for svn.apache.org :-( :-(

Re: Error connecting to svn.apache.org

2018-09-02 Thread Paul Hammant
I'm not sure if there's a online definitive error guide for Svn, but if there is the page for E170013 could be enhanced to suggest "check your darn proxy settings in ~/.subversion/servers, fool" (or less Paul-centric language).

Re: Error connecting to svn.apache.org

2018-09-02 Thread Paul Hammant
> This does not so much force IPv4 as it breaks name-based virtual hosts > on the server ... which is obvious from the bogus redirect. Yup, I guessed as much too. I just pasted it in because I'd seen it offered as advice online somewhere.

Where did library function svn_diff_hunk_readline_diff_text go?

2018-09-03 Thread Paul Hammant
Ben Reser had previously written a "svn-diff to JSON" thing in Python that worked very well - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20381507/whats-the-best-way-to-turn-a-subversion-diff-into-json I'm homebrew installing Subversion 1.10 and although there are Python bindings (the --with-python flag n

Re: Subversion Exception!

2018-09-20 Thread Paul Hammant
There are similar filings in the past - https://www.google.com/search?q=assertion+failed+(svn_dirent_is_absolute(local_abspath)) Can you reproduce this at will if you try the operation again, LongNX?

Re: Problems with using a symbolic link for .svn folder on TSVN

2019-01-10 Thread Paul Hammant
The .svn folder on the client side? If you do a fresh checkout, how big is it then?

Re: Problems with using a symbolic link for .svn folder on TSVN

2019-01-10 Thread Paul Hammant
Alternative solution: do a Sparse Checkout - excising things in that tree that you don't really need. Google's monorepo is north of 100TB of history with over nine million source files at HEAD revision. Individual Googler's day to day checkout tens of megabytes only: https://trunkbaseddevelopment.

Re: File capacity limitation in theory in SVN

2019-03-20 Thread Paul Hammant
Soso, I've tested Subversion up to 4TB myself (one repo), with the intention of using https://github.com/subsyncit/subsyncit with it for corporate file sync. That is still a work in progress, as it happens. - Paul On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:53 AM Mark Phippard wrote: > Redirecting this to the

Re: version control model of Subversion source code

2019-03-20 Thread Paul Hammant
You can do any branching model you like with subversion. That said, I maintain that Trunk-Based Development is the best model, and note that there are merge issues with other branching models in rare circumstances [ ref ]

Re: quilt-like feature, to support patch series

2019-12-16 Thread Paul Hammant
Subversion's missing piece is the patch-review system, agreed. Rietveld was 11.5 years ago (and Mondrian was 2 years before that - Perforce admittedly), so we have plenty of things to be inspired by. In the last year a "shelve" facility has been perfected for Subversion - https://cwiki.apache.org/

Re: Subversion fails to checkout new working set when $HOME is automounted

2020-01-23 Thread Paul Hammant
Works for me (svn, version 1.13.0 (r1867053) on Mac) $ svn co https://svn.freebsd.org/base/head/usr.bin/passwd freebsdTest AfreebsdTest/Makefile AfreebsdTest/passwd.c AfreebsdTest/Makefile.depend AfreebsdTest/passwd.1 Checked out revision 357040.

Re: False conflict with interleaved merge commits

2020-02-06 Thread Paul Hammant
Here’s a similar one - https://paulhammant.com/2015/10/05/subversion-merge-limitations-not-in-perforce/ On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 6:31 AM Daniel Dickison wrote: > We think we’ve found a bug in Subversion’s conflict detection during merge > operations that results in a false conflict. It occurs afte