Re: AW:AJP suddenly Stopps acting: ajp on 7009 and 9009 : connections keept open

2013-03-15 Thread André Warnier

David Kumar wrote:


Yes.  Whether this is the java that runs tomcat is not immediately evident.
But it also seems that they concern port numbers like 7009, 9009 etc. which must be your 
AJP Connectors, so let's assume the CLOSE-WAITs all involve Tomcat.

The first observation hat I would make is that this looks like a pretty busy 

Then, there are 2100+ lines in that list. Let's assume first that they are all internal 
connections (which probable they are not, but for simplicity), so that there are actually 
2 lines for the same connection, like these :

tcp0  0  FIN_WAIT2 

. ..
tcp6   1  0 CLOSE_WAIT  20564/java 


So let's say that we have in total about 1000 connections active in some state.
Compared to that, there are 54 connections in CLOSE_WAIT, which is like 5%.
That does not really sound pathological to me, considering that CLOSE_WAIT is a normal 
state through which any TCP connection goes at some point.

If you look again at the above connection, and if I am not confusing my clients and 
servers again, it looks here like :
- Apache http (PID 20766), as a client, has established a connection to port 7009 of the 
server Tomcat (PID 20564). That must be an AJP connection, from the mod_jk module of 
Apache, to the AJP Connector in Tomcat.
- A while later, Apache closes the connection. It sends a FIN packet to Tomcat, and 
waits for Tomcat to acknowledge this FIN packet.
- when it receives the FIN packet from Apache, Tomcat responds with an ACK, and then goes 
to the CLOSE_WAIT state.

- when Apache receives the ACK from Tomcat, it goes to state FIN_WAIT2.
  (and that is the current state of the above connection)
- now Tomcat is supposed to send a FIN to Apache, and receive an ACK in return.
- if Apache receives the FIN from Tomcat, it sends back an ACK, and goes into state 
TIME_WAIT (where it doesn't expect anything anymore), and then after a short moment, it 
discards that connection.

If there are connections that remain in the CLOSE_WAIT state for very long, it means that 
something in the last 2 steps above is not working.

Now in your listing, we see about 1900 lines in the TIME_WAIT state, all of them *to* an 
AJP port of Tomcat.  This seems to suggest that the Apache side is working as it should.
But if the Tomcat side stays in CLOSE_WAIT for a long time, then it would suggest that on 
the Tomcat side, that connection is never properly close()'d.

But this is the request/response connection, so I doubt that there would be a bug there, 
otherwise we'd have problems reports filling this list every day.

Might there be that there is somewhere a discrepancy between the keep-alive settings, 
between Apache and Tomcat ?

or maybe your server is just not strong enough for the load you are putting on 
it ?

According to vmtools the server is boring most times.. 

What do you mean, boring ? (like German langweilig ?).
If you have 2000+ connections there in one state or another, that should mean that the 
system is usually pretty busy, I would think.  On my production machines (vSphere VM's, 
Linux, Apache+Tomcat, +database), some of them pretty busy, I never see more than 200-300 
connections with netstat. That is all states together, with netstat -t -pan | wc -l).
Granted, I am not running Yahoo or Facebook, but still, these are public Internet servers, 
fairly sollicited.

I almost totally agree, but I'm not sure if it is a AJP fault. Because most 
time everything is alright, so all of theses steps are done. Just sometimes 
after a arbitrarily amount of time ajp / tomcat runs crazy. And in my sample 
there is the sourceport 9009 / java.  It looks for me that apache didn't 
received the ACK from tomcat after CLOSE_WAIT or it just don't care because 
apache thought this connections is already closed?  Let's assume that is the 
case.. Isn't there a option to tell tomcat to wait max. time for a response and 
after that time kill the connection? As far as I understand connectionTimeout 
is just for the initial request, so after Apache did answer in first correctly 
connectionTimeout is valueless?

Let's look at the various options in the Connector :

First, the -1 in some options means unlimited or forever, it doesn't mean 
Second, some parameters say that if they are not specified, they default to the value of 
another parameter, so you should check really what this other parameter is set to.

Attached you can find our configuration files, maybe you can find a / some 

I'll have a look.

I would agree that we have maybe a kind of misconfigured timeout problem...


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
David Kumar  
Softwareentwickler, B. Sc.
Abteilung Infotech - Interaktiv 

Am Weiher 14
D-56766 Ulmen

Re: AW:AJP suddenly Stopps acting: ajp on 7009 and 9009 : connections keept open

2013-03-15 Thread André Warnier

David Kumar wrote:

Attached you can find our configuration files, maybe you can find a / 
some misconfigurations?

I'll have a look.

Some notes :

- according to the comments in your Apache config file, you are using the worker MPM. 
But are you sure ? what does /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -l say ?

- we are missing the contents of your /etc/apache2/ file
- we are missing the JkMounts or equivalent that you are doing from Apache to 
 related questions : you have 2 tomcats. Are you doing load-balancing ? or are you just 
sending some URLs to tomcat1 and other to tomcat2 ?
Are you proxying everything to the tomcats, or is the Apache httpd front-end serving some 
URLs on its own ? if so, what proportion ?

- how many hits per second/minute/hour (any of them, approx.) is your server 
handling ?
- you do not have any specific timeout parameters set in your Tomcat AJP 
 which is basically a good thing : better to leave the defaults in place, than to start 
playing with settings that you do not really understand, and make things worse.

But you do set one :
connectionTimeout=20. Which sounds extremely high to me.


It means that when a client connects to that Connector, a Tomcat thread will be started to 
handle this connection; then the thread will wait on the connection, to read the request.
If the request does not appear, this thread will still wait, up to 200 seconds (more than 
3 minutes !) for this request to appear, before it gives up, closes that connection, and 
goes back to the pool of available threads.
A normal client would not do that, but a badly-intentioned client that tries to create a 
DOS attack on your server, will do that, just to block threads on your server until there 
are no more threads available.

In this case, it is even worse, because other parameters are using this same value as a 
default, like : keepAliveTimeout.

This one means that once one request has been processed by this Tomcat thread on that 
connection, the thread will not close this connection, but wait to see if any other 
request appears on that connection from the same client, within the timeout given.
In this case, because it defaults to connectionTimeout, the thread will wait more than 3 
minutes to see if there is another request. If the client (browser) does not send any 
additional request on that connection, you have a thread that is blocked doing nothing, 
for more than 3 minutes.

In this case, the client is in reality the mod_jk module under Apache.  So the settings of 
Apache and mod_jk will matter, and I cannot tell exactly at this point what will happen.
But if this was a HTTP Connector open to the external WWW world, what would certainly 
heppen is that you would run out of threads in Tomcat within a couple of minutes, and your 
server would stop accepting new requests.

Or to put this another way : if this was a HTTP connector open to the outside world, and I 
knew the address of your server, I could bring it down in 3 seconds, using the standard 
ab program that comes with Apache.

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Re: AW:AJP suddenly Stopps acting: ajp on 7009 and 9009 : connections keept open

2013-03-15 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 3/14/13 11:02 AM, André Warnier wrote:
 But this is the request/response connection, so I doubt that there
 would be a bug there, otherwise we'd have problems reports filling
 this list every day.
 Might there be that there is somewhere a discrepancy between the 
 keep-alive settings, between Apache and Tomcat ?

I'd take a look at the connection timeout settings between mod_jk and
Tomcat: if they are mismatched, you might get some weirdness where
connections are going stale on the Apache side and not the Tomcat side
(or vice-versa). It's easy to do since one side expresses timeouts in
ms and the other side in seconds. :)

- -chris
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Re: AW:AJP suddenly Stopps acting: ajp on 7009 and 9009 : connections keept open

2013-03-14 Thread André Warnier

David Kumar wrote:


thanks for note..
Attached you can find a new list.
So, java is keeping these connections in close_wait.

Yes.  Whether this is the java that runs tomcat is not immediately evident.
But it also seems that they concern port numbers like 7009, 9009 etc. which must be your 
AJP Connectors, so let's assume the CLOSE-WAITs all involve Tomcat.

The first observation hat I would make is that this looks like a pretty busy 

Then, there are 2100+ lines in that list. Let's assume first that they are all internal 
connections (which probable they are not, but for simplicity), so that there are actually 
2 lines for the same connection, like these :

tcp0  0  FIN_WAIT2 

tcp6   1  0 CLOSE_WAIT  20564/java 


So let's say that we have in total about 1000 connections active in some state.
Compared to that, there are 54 connections in CLOSE_WAIT, which is like 5%.
That does not really sound pathological to me, considering that CLOSE_WAIT is a normal 
state through which any TCP connection goes at some point.

If you look again at the above connection, and if I am not confusing my clients and 
servers again, it looks here like :
- Apache http (PID 20766), as a client, has established a connection to port 7009 of the 
server Tomcat (PID 20564). That must be an AJP connection, from the mod_jk module of 
Apache, to the AJP Connector in Tomcat.
- A while later, Apache closes the connection. It sends a FIN packet to Tomcat, and 
waits for Tomcat to acknowledge this FIN packet.
- when it receives the FIN packet from Apache, Tomcat responds with an ACK, and then goes 
to the CLOSE_WAIT state.

- when Apache receives the ACK from Tomcat, it goes to state FIN_WAIT2.
  (and that is the current state of the above connection)
- now Tomcat is supposed to send a FIN to Apache, and receive an ACK in return.
- if Apache receives the FIN from Tomcat, it sends back an ACK, and goes into state 
TIME_WAIT (where it doesn't expect anything anymore), and then after a short moment, it 
discards that connection.

If there are connections that remain in the CLOSE_WAIT state for very long, it means that 
something in the last 2 steps above is not working.

Now in your listing, we see about 1900 lines in the TIME_WAIT state, all of them *to* an 
AJP port of Tomcat.  This seems to suggest that the Apache side is working as it should.
But if the Tomcat side stays in CLOSE_WAIT for a long time, then it would suggest that on 
the Tomcat side, that connection is never properly close()'d.

But this is the request/response connection, so I doubt that there would be a bug there, 
otherwise we'd have problems reports filling this list every day.

Might there be that there is somewhere a discrepancy between the keep-alive settings, 
between Apache and Tomcat ?

or maybe your server is just not strong enough for the load you are putting on 
it ?

How about a netstat -t -pan ? it's a bit easier to find the relevant 
If needed, tell us which processes are Tomcat instances/threads and which are Apache httpd 
(if it is not evident from the list).

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
David Kumar  
Softwareentwickler, B. Sc.
Abteilung Infotech - Interaktiv 

Am Weiher 14
D-56766 Ulmen

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