yes this is know behavior...
Send in an patch :)


On 10/26/07, Daniel Kröger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> the onUpdate() method of AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior added to
> a
> RadioChoice component doesn't get called when the rendered radio buttons
> are
> nested inside another HTML tag through RadioChoice.setPrefix() and
> RadioChoice.setSuffix(). I think the reason is that the corrensponding
> JavaScript seems to look only for direct children of the HTML element
> which
> is mapped to the RadioChoice component.
> Example:
> RadioChoice choice = new RadioChoice(...);
> choice.setPrefix("<p>");
> choice.setSuffix("</p>");
> choice.add(new AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior() { ... });
> Is this behaviour intended or is it a bug?
> Best regards
> Daniel
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