Re: ClassCastException:JavaURLContext cannot be cast to class

2020-02-24 Thread LSomefun
I was actually able to solve this issue. My Html page had a form component
and that why there was a form component in the code.

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Re: ClassCastException:JavaURLContext cannot be cast to class

2020-02-23 Thread Francois Meillet
There is no formComponents in your form.
So why do you use a form ?


> Le 22 févr. 2020 à 02:32, LSomefun  a écrit :
> I have been on this issue for atleast  2 weeks now. Trying to use Wicket with
> EJB. This occurs when I use @EJb for either a stateless  or stateful bean .
> *My code below
> The webpage which has the EJB as a variable*
> public class PartnersZipCode extends PrescientTemplateOriginalPage{
> @EJB(name = "ejb/publishZipCodes")
> transient private  PublishZipCodes partnerInterests;
> @EJB
> transient private  ProspectivePartners marketPlace;
> private String sessionZip="sessionZip";
> private String sessionEmail="sessionEmail";
> private String nameFromSession;
> private String dbKeys="dbKeys";
> private Vector forkeys;
> private Form zipCodeFormOfInterest;
> private Label partnerOne;
> private Label partnerTwo;
> private Label interestedZips;
> private Collection listOfZips;
>public PartnersZipCode() {
>zipCodeFormOfInterest=new Form("zipCodeFormOfInterest");
>partnerOne=new Label("partnerOne");
>partnerTwo=new Label("partnerTwo");
>interestedZips=new Label("interestedZips");
>nameFromSession=(String) getSession().getAttribute(sessionEmail);
>forkeys= (Vector) getSession().getAttribute(dbKeys);
> getSession().getAttribute(sessionZip));
> }
> *The EJB Class*
> @ManagedBean
> @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition(
> )
> public class PublishZipCodes {
>   Message message;
>   Session session;
>   JMSProducer messageProducer;
>   Collection nextZipCode;
>   //@Resource(lookup = "java:comp/jms/ZipCodesConnectionFactory")
>  // ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
>   @Resource(lookup = "jms/ZipCodes")
>   Topic topic;
>   @EJB
>   StartUpSingleton bean;
>   @Inject  
>   @JMSConnectionFactory(value ="jms/ZipCodesConnectionFactory")
>   JMSContext connection;
>public PublishZipCodes() {
>   @PostConstruct
>public void publish() {
>   if(connection==null){
> connection=bean.getConnection();
>   } 
>   // messageProducer=connection.createProducer();
>nextZipCode=new ArrayList<>();
>message= connection.createTextMessage(
> Arrays.deepToString(nextZipCode.toArray()) );
>public void closeConn(){
>public JMSContext getConnection() {
>return connection;
>public void setConnection(JMSContext connection) {
>this.connection = connection;
>public void publishZip(String toString, Collection arrayList) {
>   nextZipCode=arrayList;
>   if(messageProducer==null){
>   }
>   HashMap maptoString=new HashMap();
> maptoString.put(toString,nextZipCode.toArray());
>message= connection.createTextMessage((String)
> maptoString.keySet().stream().map(key -> key + "=" +
> maptoString.get(key)).collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "{", "}")));
> *The continuous and frustrating error below*
> java.lang.ClassCastException: class
> com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.JavaURLContext cannot be cast to class
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.PublishZipCodes
> (com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.JavaURLContext is in unnamed module of
> loader org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader
> @1ff0c0f8; org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.PublishZipCodes is in unnamed
> module of loader org.glassfish.web.loader.WebappClassLoader @22507381)
> at
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.Wicket_Proxy_PublishZipCodes$$FastClassByCGLIB$$2031b0b8.invoke()
> at net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(
> at
> org.apache.wicket.proxy.LazyInitProxyFactory$AbstractCGLibInterceptor.intercept(
> at
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.Wicket_Proxy_PublishZipCodes$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$4a8b3f18.publishZip()
> at
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.PartnersZipCode.(
> at
> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
> Method)
> at
> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at
> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at

Re: ClassCastException:JavaURLContext cannot be cast to class

2020-02-23 Thread Francois Meillet
Could you show the PrescientTemplateOriginalPage code ?


> Le 22 févr. 2020 à 02:32, LSomefun  a écrit :
> I have been on this issue for atleast  2 weeks now. Trying to use Wicket with
> EJB. This occurs when I use @EJb for either a stateless  or stateful bean .
> *My code below
> The webpage which has the EJB as a variable*
> public class PartnersZipCode extends PrescientTemplateOriginalPage{
> @EJB(name = "ejb/publishZipCodes")
> transient private  PublishZipCodes partnerInterests;
> @EJB
> transient private  ProspectivePartners marketPlace;
> private String sessionZip="sessionZip";
> private String sessionEmail="sessionEmail";
> private String nameFromSession;
> private String dbKeys="dbKeys";
> private Vector forkeys;
> private Form zipCodeFormOfInterest;
> private Label partnerOne;
> private Label partnerTwo;
> private Label interestedZips;
> private Collection listOfZips;
>public PartnersZipCode() {
>zipCodeFormOfInterest=new Form("zipCodeFormOfInterest");
>partnerOne=new Label("partnerOne");
>partnerTwo=new Label("partnerTwo");
>interestedZips=new Label("interestedZips");
>nameFromSession=(String) getSession().getAttribute(sessionEmail);
>forkeys= (Vector) getSession().getAttribute(dbKeys);
> getSession().getAttribute(sessionZip));
> }
> *The EJB Class*
> @ManagedBean
> @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition(
> )
> public class PublishZipCodes {
>   Message message;
>   Session session;
>   JMSProducer messageProducer;
>   Collection nextZipCode;
>   //@Resource(lookup = "java:comp/jms/ZipCodesConnectionFactory")
>  // ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
>   @Resource(lookup = "jms/ZipCodes")
>   Topic topic;
>   @EJB
>   StartUpSingleton bean;
>   @Inject  
>   @JMSConnectionFactory(value ="jms/ZipCodesConnectionFactory")
>   JMSContext connection;
>public PublishZipCodes() {
>   @PostConstruct
>public void publish() {
>   if(connection==null){
> connection=bean.getConnection();
>   } 
>   // messageProducer=connection.createProducer();
>nextZipCode=new ArrayList<>();
>message= connection.createTextMessage(
> Arrays.deepToString(nextZipCode.toArray()) );
>public void closeConn(){
>public JMSContext getConnection() {
>return connection;
>public void setConnection(JMSContext connection) {
>this.connection = connection;
>public void publishZip(String toString, Collection arrayList) {
>   nextZipCode=arrayList;
>   if(messageProducer==null){
>   }
>   HashMap maptoString=new HashMap();
> maptoString.put(toString,nextZipCode.toArray());
>message= connection.createTextMessage((String)
> maptoString.keySet().stream().map(key -> key + "=" +
> maptoString.get(key)).collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "{", "}")));
> *The continuous and frustrating error below*
> java.lang.ClassCastException: class
> com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.JavaURLContext cannot be cast to class
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.PublishZipCodes
> (com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.JavaURLContext is in unnamed module of
> loader org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader
> @1ff0c0f8; org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.PublishZipCodes is in unnamed
> module of loader org.glassfish.web.loader.WebappClassLoader @22507381)
> at
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.Wicket_Proxy_PublishZipCodes$$FastClassByCGLIB$$2031b0b8.invoke()
> at net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(
> at
> org.apache.wicket.proxy.LazyInitProxyFactory$AbstractCGLibInterceptor.intercept(
> at
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.Wicket_Proxy_PublishZipCodes$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$4a8b3f18.publishZip()
> at
> org.prescients.prescientdocwicket.PartnersZipCode.(
> at
> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
> Method)
> at
> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at
> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at