
I think using your own
org.apache.wicket.resource.loader.IStringResourceLoader impl would be
the best.
Then insert it at the first position with

Then something like this should work:

class MyEditableLabel extends
org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.AjaxEditableLabel {

  public MyEditableLabel(String id, LoadSaveModel model)

class LoadSaveModel implements IModel<String> {

        public String getObject() // just as ResourceModel
null, defaultValue);

        public void setObject(String newValue)
           // save the new value

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:20 AM, Colin Rogers
<colin.rog...@objectconsulting.com.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> We’re using Wicket on a massive project. One of our customer requirements
> has been to enable all strings and text to be easily modifiable by the
> client, and we thought that using Wicket resource bundles would achieve
> this.
> We’ve got an issue, that isn’t a bug – it’s actually the way Wicket was
> designed to work - but is something we need to change to match our clients
> requirements, and I’d hope someone might be able to guide me in the best way
> to achieve this. We’ve been using Wicket 1.4.13 (latest version of 1.4.X
> actually makes our issue more difficult, but I’ll get on to that later.)
> Originally we were creating Containers for use within a Repeating View –
> that sounds odd I know, but the RepeatingView represents a generic container
> for holding major elements on a standard application-wide BasePage – these
> Containers were from unique Classes, for example;
> MyFirstContainer
> MySecondContainer
> MyThirdContainer
> MyForthContainer
> Which enabled us to specify in our properties files as;
> X.Y.1.A.B.C.label = My First Container
> X.Y.2.A.B.C.label = My Second Container
> X.Y.3.A.B.C.label = My Third Container
> X.Y.4.A.B.C.label = My Forth Container
> Since then, we’ve generisied some of our containers as follows;
> MyFirstContainer
> MyGenericContainer
> MyGenericContainer
> MyForthContainer
> This created the issue were the second use of MyGenericContainer picked up
> the label for the first, so that they both said “My Second Container”. I’ve
> written a small test case and included it to illustrate the issue, using
> Labels.
> In the latest version of Wicket, this has been “fixed” even further to
> totally exclude the index of the RepeatingView, meaning there is no
> possibility of any specification of individual resources for components in a
> List or Repeating View, at all.
> As I understand, the way wicket is designed to work would be to pass in the
> value as a parameter, e.g;
> X.Y.1.A.B.C.label = My ${value} Container
> But this breaks internationalisation and externalisation of labels and
> string, and, more importantly, isn’t what our client wants - they want to be
> able to change all elements of labels without code changes.
> While I realise this is the way Wicket was designed to work, I need to
> override this behaviour so that we can specify component resources in
> properties file for Repeating and List Views. Also I need to override this
> behaviour so I can upgrade to the latest version of Wicket without breaking
> our existing specification of labels, that use the index.
> Is there a feature of Wicket that I’ve missed that would better solve this
> issue? Or could anyone be able to guide me as to the best way of going about
> this? I can’t override Component#getString() as it’s finalised. Would
> creating my own ComponentStringResourceLoader be the best way to go about
> it? Or overriding Localizer? Both?
> Cheers,
> Col.
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Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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