Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-19 Thread Dieter Tremel
Am 17.06.2016 um 12:58 schrieb Bas Gooren: > Although I do wonder why you are trying to cache JPA objects by yourself - > you could simply plug in a second level cache to your JPA provider. Then it > will cache transparently. Didn't know, activated JPA second level cache, works well, dropped my

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-17 Thread Bas Gooren
Hi Dieter, That’s what I expected (and why I did not recommend it); The error you see is because somewhere in the component tree inside your page serialization breaks. Since it happens when wicket passes the page to an (internal) ObjectOutputStream, the only way to debug it would be to set a

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-17 Thread Martin Grigorov
Do you see in the stack ? Each occurrence of this method gives you information about the currently being written object. The next occurrence of this method in the stack tells you which Java object is the owner of the previous one. I don't have time now to

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-17 Thread Dieter Tremel
Hello Martin, I tried this to learn it, but didn't find it. I put a breakpoint at SerializationCheckerObjectOutputStream#writeObjectOverride line 260 and 277 and looked at the variables content. The obj was the complete page PersonenTable and I

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-17 Thread Dieter Tremel
Hello, I think I have found it: In my AbstractProvider superclass I implemented: @Override public IModel model(E object) { return new JPAEntityModel<>((E) object); } PersonenTable uses a CachingProvider, a subclass of AbstractProvider which overwrites @Override

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-17 Thread Martin Grigorov
Hi Dieter, It is quite easy to debug such issues by putting a breakpoint at line where the exception is being thrown. Once you have the debugger stopped there you could click on the stack methods to see what was the parent object of the currently failing one. Martin Grigorov Wicket Training and

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-17 Thread Dieter Tremel
Hello Bas, first of all let me thank you and Martin for your great support and the helpful thoughts and examples :-) I am using wicket 7.30, the use of onBefore() is an old pattern I have been used to, changed it now to @Override protected void onInitialize() {

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-16 Thread Bas Gooren
Hi Dieter, Which version of wicket are you using? (I ask since I see you are using onBeforeRender() to initialize your components, while since wicket 1.5 there is onInitialize() for that in each component). For as far as I can see there are no references to your dao in the gist you provided;

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-15 Thread Dieter Tremel
Hello Martin, it is: personenProvider = (com.sun.proxy.$Proxy24) org.apache.wicket.proxy.LazyInitProxyFactory$JdkHandler@6eb3b9ea wrapInProxies is true I added a SignIn mechanism, SignInSession uses PersonenDao too to authorize in the database. But I checked not to have any references to it,

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-15 Thread Martin Grigorov
Hi, Put a breakpoint at PersonenTable constructor and see what is the type of ' personenProvider'. It must be JDK Proxy instance. If it is not then something wrong is going on. org.apache.wicket.guice.GuiceComponentInjector#GuiceComponentInjector(org.apache.wicket.Application,

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-15 Thread Dieter Tremel
Hi Bas, I put it in I fear it is not really useful, since it starts with org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: A problem occurred while trying to collect debug information about not serializable object Dieter Am 15.06.2016 um 13:39 schrieb

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-15 Thread Bas Gooren
Hi Dieter, Can you share the stack trace of the serialization checker error? Normally it points out where in the hierarchy it found a non-serializable object. My first guess is that you are referencing the dao class somewhere directly from your page. The stack trace will prove me right or wrong

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-15 Thread Dieter Tremel
Hello Bas, I try to cut small pieces of the code, please tell me if you want to see more. First the error: 12:59:03.919 [http-nio-8084-exec-6] WARN o.a.w.c.u.o.c.CheckingObjectOutputStream - error delegating to writeObject :

Re: wicket-guice and recursive injection of non serializable JPA2 objects

2016-06-15 Thread Bas Gooren
Dieter, Since the data provider is inject as a proxy, only the proxy should be serialized. On deserialization it should look up the actual data provider again. Can you share some code so we can see how you set things up? What you are trying is something that should work out of the box - it does