
I had a problem in Wicket6 with a datepicker that did not show
up in IE9 and saw that more had that issue but I could not find any
solution in the mail archives. Debugging the issue I saw that the
problem was that Yahoo.Dom.get() in IE grabbed the value from the
"wicket:id" attribute instead of the "id" attribute. In my case the
generated id (beforedate7) did not match the wicket id (beforedate) so
the Yahoo.Dom.get() implementation could not find the DOM object. 

solve this I made sure that the generated id matched my wicket:id by
setting the markupId on the DateTextField to the same value as the
wicket:id value. 

Other solutions I could see is to make sure that the
wicket:id attributes does not show up. In your web application use
getMarkupSettings().setStripWicketTags(true). You can also make sure to
not use the development mode when you deploy your application (that also
removes the wicket:id attributes). 


Marcus Ludvigsson

mobile: 004670 78 10 259 | mar...@lubbit.se | http://www.lubbit.se

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