
There are some restrictions with this interpreter.
I have done a PR (https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/pull/1508) to improve
Now, you should get something like that:
userX, 12345,4321



2016-10-12 18:36 GMT+02:00 Dominique Fabre <dominique.fa...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I use bucket aggregators to calculate a sum by value of a field
> (zeppelin-0.6.1 and zeppelin-0.7.0)
> But in output data i have only the doc_count information by key. I have
> not the value of my aggregat.
> Do you have an idea about this ? The elasticsearch interpreter doesn't
> work correctly?
> Here an example of my elasticsearch command:
> search events-*/log {
>   "aggs" : {
>       "name" : {
>           "terms" : { "field" : "name" },
>           "aggs" : {
>               "sum_byte" : { "sum" : { "field" : "byte" } }
>           }
>       }
>   }
> }
> And the result:
> key,doc_count
> user3,17922
> user1,6519
> user2,6519
> user5,6517
> user4,6517
> I just want:
> name,sum_byte
> user3,1254
> user1,854
> user2,651
> user5,517
> user4,351
> Thanks,
> D. Fabre

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