Mr Wyeth. OnlineConversion dot com says that 330 mL is a wee bit less than 12 ounces. The United States imports many such products, but our government forces them to list both ounces and mL in this case. I look forward to the day when SI-only is allowed. Happy Metric Week everybody!

David Pearl 503-428-4917

----- Message from ---------
    Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 21:15:32 -0700
    From: Harry Wyeth <>
 Subject: [USMA:53310] 330 mL cans
      To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>

Sanpellegrino makes aluminum cans with nice fruit flavored drinks, with contents of 330 mL. The can says the stuff is the product of Italy, distributed by a company in Stamford, CT. I am wondering if these cans are actually imported, and if 330mL cans are manufactured in the US at all. Last time I was inEurope I seem to recall that this size was pretty much standard. I don't recall the standard size of aluminum cans in Australia or New Zealand.


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