Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your group's support of U.S. metrication. I am taking
the liberty of posting your message on the USMA Listserver so that your
presentation may be viewed by many USMA officers and members,and the world
metrication community, which includes supporters in government, industry, and
the public.

If you can identify some of those 100,000 Americans for metrication, I invite
them to become members of USMA (please see and print WE NEED YOU!! We need
your dues support, but just as important, we need your voices heard before U.S.
industry, the Congress, and the several states. Within U.S. industry, we need
them to support a proposed amendment to the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
(FPLA) that would allow U.S. manufacturers the option of dropping the
non-metric units from their labeling and displaying metric units only. This
change will go a long way toward popularizing SI in the U.S., and pave the way
for the adoption of metric as our primary system of measurement.

How did you find, or hear about USMA? To what extent is there an awareness of
the issue of U.S. metrication among college students? What triggered your

I do want to suggest that you consider a modification in your group name to
read,"100,000 Americans for the metric system." I realize I may be stepping on
some creative toes in your group, but the word "revolution" may connote violent
disruption in the minds of some people, and we are a peaceful organization. The
International System of Units may SEEM like a revolutionary idea in the U.S.,
but it is an idea whose time is simply overdue here. I guess you could say that
we're "marking it tardy." USMA wants our country, the U.S., to adopt what is an
everyday fact in every other country on earth.


Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association, Inc.

----- Forwarded message from Mike Deck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
    Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 14:48:39 -0600
    From: Mike Deck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Mike Deck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Attn: USMA Public Relations Director

Dear Mr. Trusten,

Hello. My name is Mike Deck. I am a freshman student at Northwestern
University in Evanston, Illinois, and a fellow supporter of the United
States metrication movement. I am not sure if the USMA is aware of this, but
I have created a Facebook group in support of the metric system which has
nearly 4,500 members. The title of the group is "100,000 Americans for a
Metric Revolution". Obviously we haven't reached our goal just yet, but we
have had a steady rate of growth since I founded the group back in May 2007.
As far as I know, we are the largest metrication group on Facebook, and I
just thought that the USMA would like to know about this. Our group URL is

Mike Deck
Founder of "100,000 Americans for a Metric Revolution"

----- End forwarded message -----


Dear Mr. Trusten,

Hello. My name is Mike Deck. I am a freshman student at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and a fellow supporter of the United States metrication movement. I am not sure if the USMA is aware of this, but I have created a Facebook group in support of the metric system which has nearly 4,500 members. The title of the group is "100,000 Americans for a Metric Revolution". Obviously we haven't reached our goal just yet, but we have had a steady rate of growth since I founded the group back in May 2007. As far as I know, we are the largest metrication group on Facebook, and I just thought that the USMA would like to know about this. Our group URL is

Mike Deck
Founder of "100,000 Americans for a Metric Revolution"

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