Of course, liters were mentioned because that is the unit of volume in which
many brands of bottled water are distributed in the U.S.,and yes,it shows that
a metric-system unit can become established in U.S. speech and in the press. In
particular, though, this shows that the people are following an act of industry.
The same thing should happen with kilograms of hydrogen fuel. U.S. industry can
take the lead.


Quoting Remek Kocz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Caught not only president Bush talking about the number of liters being sent
> down to hurricane-affected areas, but also the news outlets parroting the
> liters without conversions.  Looks like water in liters has become socially
> acceptable.  Now if we could convince our water authorities to start
> measuring by the liter...
> Remek


Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Inc.
3609 Caldera Boulevard, Apartment 122
Midland TX 79707-2872 USA

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