For the next UHD version, we will be updating uhd_images_downloader. The
problem with the old uhd_images_downloader is that it refers to one big
zip file for all the images. As we add more and more devices, we not
only have to update the zip file more often, it also becomes bigger and
bigger. If you're running uhd_images_downloader on an E310, it's most
likely that you only want the E310 images, and not the megabytes of
other FPGA images.

The new tool fixes all those issues by breaking up the zip file into
more, smaller zip files. On top of that, the new tool has a bunch of
other improvements:

- It maintains an inventory of downloaded files, and skips downloading
them again if they didn't change. This means if we roll out a fix for
the X300 only, and you run uhd_images_downloader without any arguments,
it won't try and update anything else. Should you delete the inventory,
it'll simply get everything, like it did before.
- You can now filter by type. Use the -t switch to match against a
regular expression, e.g. '-t b200mini' will only download a b200mini file.
- We'll be adding more image types soon that are not FPGA images, such
as filesystem updates.
- 'uhd_images_downloader -l' will list all the targets you can download.

In general, this should improve things and make other things easier.
However, since we had to basically rewrite the tool, which had otherwise
matured, it's likely that the new tool has shortcomings. We'd like to
hear from you regarding those.

There are a few problems we are already tracking:
- We currently have no archives other than zip files. We're intending to
add .tar.xz in the future, and you will be able to use
uhd_images_downloader to fetch those (assuming your system can unzip xz
- The tool output changed, and we're still fine tuning the output.

If you're a package maintainer, you probably hard-coded the URL for the
FPGA images in your package creation script.
We track the URLs of the individual archives, along with their SHA256
hash, in a manifest that is checked into git:

The base URL for all those is, so
will fetch the USRP1 FPGA images.

We're happy for any feedback -- ideally before we release the next version.


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