Hi Hafiz,

this is a GNU Radio question, and not directly related to USRPs. I'd
recommend you address this to the discuss-gnuradio list, to which you
can sign up on [1], instead.

Best regards,

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio

On 02.10.2017 08:39, Hafiz Hashim Imtiaz via USRP-users wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to make a signal processing block which contains two
> input ports, one is byte type and the other is complex type. The only
> output port is also complex type. The byte type input port would just
> act like a controller port that when it receives "1", it allows data
> to flow form input complex port to output complex port.
> If it is not possible, is there any alternative way to do this job in
> gnuradio companion?
> regards,
> Hafiz Hashim Imtiaz
> Research Assistant
> Information Technology University, Punjab
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