If I build an FPGA image that includes a radio and a DDC and use the
Gnuradio USRP block to record 2-channel data on pulsed signals at a 1
MHz sample rate it runs fine and the streams are time aligned.

If I build a simple flowgraph with the RFNoC radio+DDC it also runs
fine but the samples are mis-aligned in time.

If I manually add the line:


the X310 seems to produce time-aligned streams (although I haven't had
much time on that machine) but the E310 sputters with timeouts,
overruns, and "oh-noes" and when I do get data the streams are still
mis-aligned. I've tried different wait times in the set_command_time
and different spp settings but nothing produces 2-channel data with
aligned streams. Since I know that the USRP block has managed to get it
right with the exact same FPGA load, I've been trying to figure out
what it's doing so that I can eventually add my custom block between
the radio and the DDC. I set UHD_LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL=trace to look under
the hood but I haven't seen anything helpful. I've tried messing with
spp also with no luck.

any ideas?

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