On 05/17/2018 10:53 AM, kunal sankhe via USRP-users wrote:

I am trying to measure IQ Imbalance of USRP N210 with WBX daughterboard:

After running *uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance*, I got following error:

*Error: This dboard has no serial!*
*Please see the Calibration documentation for details on how to fix this*

USRP Probe output:

linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800; UHD_003.011.000.git-106-g1b70b3e7

-- Opening a USRP2/N-Series device...
-- Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
-- Current send frame size: 1472 bytes
|       Device: USRP2 / N-Series Device
|  _____________________________________________________
|    /
|   |       Mboard: USRP2 r4
|   |   hardware: 1024
|   |   mac-addr: 00:50:c2:85:34:eb
|   |   ip-addr:
|   |   subnet:
|   |   gateway:
|   |   gpsdo: none
|   |   serial: 1259
|   |   FW Version: 12.4
|   |   FPGA Version: 10.1
|   |
|   |   Time sources:  none, external, _external_, mimo
|   |   Clock sources: internal, external, mimo
|   |   Sensors: mimo_locked, ref_locked
|   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       RX DSP: 0
|   |   |
|   |   |   Freq range: -50.000 to 50.000 MHz
|   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       RX DSP: 1
|   |   |
|   |   |   Freq range: -50.000 to 50.000 MHz
|   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       RX Dboard: A
|   |   |   ID: WBX, WBX + Simple GDB (0x0053)
|   |   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       RX Frontend: 0
|   |   |   |   Name: WBXv2 RX+GDB
|   |   |   |   Antennas: TX/RX, RX2, CAL
|   |   |   |   Sensors: lo_locked
|   |   |   |   Freq range: 68.750 to 2200.000 MHz
|   |   |   |   Gain range PGA0: 0.0 to 31.5 step 0.5 dB
|   |   |   |   Bandwidth range: 40000000.0 to 40000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
|   |   |   |   Connection Type: IQ
|   |   |   |   Uses LO offset: No
|   |   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       RX Codec: A
|   |   |   |   Name: ltc2284
|   |   |   |   Gain Elements: None
|   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       TX DSP: 0
|   |   |
|   |   |   Freq range: -50.000 to 50.000 MHz
|   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       TX Dboard: A
|   |   |   ID: WBX (0x0052)
|   |   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       TX Frontend: 0
|   |   |   |   Name: WBXv2 TX+GDB
|   |   |   |   Antennas: TX/RX, CAL
|   |   |   |   Sensors: lo_locked
|   |   |   |   Freq range: 68.750 to 2200.000 MHz
|   |   |   |   Gain range PGA0: 0.0 to 25.0 step 0.1 dB
|   |   |   |   Bandwidth range: 40000000.0 to 40000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
|   |   |   |   Connection Type: IQ
|   |   |   |   Uses LO offset: No
|   |   |  _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       TX Codec: A
|   |   |   |   Name: ad9777
|   |   |   |   Gain Elements: None

The documentation on http://files.ettus.com/manual/page_calibration.html#calibration_self suggested burning serial number into daughterboard's EEPROM. After running

*/usrp_burn_db_eeprom --ser=N210105 *

I got following error:

*Error: LookupError: Path not found in tree: /mboards/0/dboards/A/_eeprom *

Please let me know how to resolve this issue.


It looks to me like you don't have an N210 there, but rather a USRP2. With a WBX whose EEPROM has failed.

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