On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 10:38 PM,  <math...@sthima.com.br> wrote:
> I'm developing some features for llnode, a LLDB plugin that allows better
> postmortem debugging for NodeJS, and while developing one of those features
> I needed to access a Context object from an Isolate object, which is very
> easy using V8 API, Unfortunately it's not possible to call any functions or
> methods inside LLDB when analyzing a core dump file, so the only way I found
> to access the Context object was by accessing Isolate::thread_local_top_,
> and then doing the same to access ThreadLocalTop::context_. To do so, I
> needed to change gen-postmortem-metadata.py and add the following symbols
> that represents the offsets of both attributes:
> consts_misc = [
>   # ...
>     { 'name': 'IsolateThreadLocalTop',       'value': '(size_t)
> (((v8::internal::Isolate*)0)->thread_local_top())' },
>     { 'name': 'ThreadLocalTopContext',       'value': '(size_t)
> &(((v8::internal::ThreadLocalTop*)0)->context_)' },
> ];
> Is there an easier way to access the Context object from an Isolate object?
> If not, those changes I made are acceptable for submission?

I can answer the first question: no, no easier way, at least not from
a core dump.  You can compute the current context from the top JS
stack frame but that is arguably harder, not easier.

As to your second question: I would file a CL and see how it goes. :-)

Aside: I think you intended to write
`&(((v8::internal::Isolate*)0)->thread_local_top_`?  Consider using
`offsetof(v8::internal::Isolate, thread_local_top_)` from <stddef.h>

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