Re: [Valgrind-users] shmat parameters are modified by valgrind

2012-08-14 Thread Adishesh

I have used below program  for testing. Below are the steps I have followed.

Compile: gcc -g3 test_shm.c -o test_shm

Create shared memory: ./test_shm –c

Get shared memory without valgrind: ./test_shm –g  ( this works fine)

Get with valgrind: /usr/bin/valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full 
--track-origins=yes --log-file=/tmp/val_log /home/rtp99/test_shm –g

With valgrind shmat command fails.

Total shared memory segments  active on the my system is 320.

My process will attach to 40 shared memory segments.  Shmat will fails when 
tested with 14 shared memory attach also.

Total RAM available on my system is 124GB. I am using HP C7000 blade hardware 
with RHEL6.2 OS.

I am using 64bit binary. 'file test_shm' command output is

test_shm: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically 
linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, not stripped






struct shm_details


key_t key;

size_t size;

int shmid;

void *shm;


main(int argc,char **argv) { 

int i;

struct shm_details test_shm[] = 


{0xe300626d,2147456,-1,NULL  },

{0xe300626c ,144271608  ,-1,NULL},

{0xe300626e,115604 ,-1,NULL},

{0xe300626f ,118376704 ,-1,NULL},

{0xe300653d ,574592 ,-1,NULL},

{0xe300653c ,22578504   ,-1,NULL},

{0xe300653e ,18092  ,-1,NULL},

{0xe300653f ,208416960  ,-1,NULL},

{0xe30066b9 ,2147456,-1,NULL},

{0xe30066b8 ,120870984  ,-1,NULL},

{0xe30066ba ,484260 ,-1,NULL},

{0xe30066bb ,9793648960 ,-1,NULL},

{0xe30068ad ,8438912,-1,NULL },



int list = (sizeof(test_shm)/sizeof(test_shm[0]));

int shmflg;

int delete=0;

 struct shmid_ds buf;

if(argc != 2)


printf(Usage: ./test_shm -c|-g|-d\n -c for create shared 
memory\n -g for get shared memory\n -d delete the shared memory\n);



if(strcmp(argv[1],-c) == 0)


shmflg = IPC_CREAT | 0666;

}else if(strcmp(argv[1],-g) == 0)


shmflg = 0666;

}else if(strcmp(argv[1],-d) == 0)


shmflg = 0666;

delete = 1;


printf(Usage: ./test_shm -c|-g|-d\n -c for create\n -g for get 
shared memory\n -d delete the shared memory\n);



for (i=0;i 'uname -a' output is

 Linux mercury05 2.6.32-220.17.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 26 13:37:13 EDT 
 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


 using valgrind version 3.8.0 also shmat is failing with errno 22.

Thank you for that information. Is the process running in native 64-bit mode,

or is this a 32-bit [only] process whose environment is being emulated

by the x86_64 system?

Now, please try to construct a small test case which fails in the same way:

The test app calls shmat() and works without valgrind, but gets EINVAL

when run under valgrind-3.8.0. Post the actual code to this mailing list;

the code should be no more than a few dozen lines.

Here are some situations which might affect the results:

 How many shared memory segments are attached by the app,

 and how many other shared memory segments are active

 at the same time in the whole system?

 What is the mix of access permissions (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, ...)?

 Were the shared memory segments created by the same process,

 or did the segments exist already before the process began?

 Is each shared memory segment being attached only once

 by any particular process, or are there multiple mappings?

 Is there any case which succeeds when (0!=shmaddr) ?

 Attach using shmat(shmid, 0, 0); Remember the address;

 Detach the segment; try to re-attach using shmat(shmid, old_addr, 0)

 where old_addr is the address which was returned for the first

 (successful) attach.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] shmat parameters are modified by valgrind

2012-08-14 Thread John Reiser
The code was mangled by posting in HTML.  Instead, use plain text (or an 
if the mailing list allows them.)  I [attempt to] attach the code I used:
   -rw-rw-r--. 1 jreiser jreiser 3125 Aug 14 09:30 shmtest.c

On my system, /usr/include/linux/shm.h says:
#define SHMMAX 0x200 /* max shared seg size (bytes) */
#define SHMMIN 1 /* min shared seg size (bytes) */
#define SHMMNI 4096  /* max num of segs system wide */
#define SHMALL (SHMMAX/getpagesize()*(SHMMNI/16))
#define SHMSEG SHMMNI/* max shared segs per process */
In particular, SHMMAX is only 32MiB, so several of the attempted shared segments
are too big.  My current actual parameters in
   $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
   $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
   $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni
agree with the defaults that are in shm.h.

My test program works for me under valgrind-3.8.0 on Fedora 17 x86_64 in 64-bit 
   Linux host.domain 3.5.0-2.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 30 14:48:59 UTC 2012 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
   gcc (GCC) 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5)
I [attempt to] attach the output that I get:
   -rw-rw-r--. 1 jreiser jreiser 9321 Aug 14 09:31 shmtest.out

To see the system calls that valgrind sees:
   valgrind --trace-syscalls=yes ...
Of course you can run that under strace, too, in order to verify
that valgrind actually does what it says it is doing:
   strace valgrind --trace-syscalls=yes ...
but it is tedious to read the output.


#include sys/types.h
#include sys/shm.h
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h

struct shm_details
	key_t key;
	size_t size;
	int shmid;
	void *shm;

main(int argc,char **argv)
	int i;
	/* default SHMMAX is 32MB */
	struct shm_details test_shm[] = {
		{0xe300626d,2147456, -1, NULL },
		{0xe300626c,  144271608, -1, NULL},  /* LARGE */
		{0xe300626e, 115604, -1, NULL},
		{0xe300626f,  118376704, -1, NULL},  /* LARGE */
		{0xe300653d, 574592, -1, NULL},
		{0xe300653c,   22578504, -1, NULL},
		{0xe300653e,  18092, -1, NULL},
		{0xe300653f,  208416960, -1, NULL},  /* LARGE */
		{0xe30066b9,2147456, -1, NULL},
		{0xe30066b8,  120870984, -1, NULL},  /* LARGE */
		{0xe30066ba, 484260, -1, NULL},
		{0xe30066bb, 9793648960, -1, NULL},  /* LARGE */
		{0xe30068ad,8438912, -1, NULL},
		{0xe30068ac,  553973472, -1, NULL}  /* LARGE */

	int n_err = 0;
	int list = (sizeof(test_shm)/sizeof(test_shm[0]));
	int shmflg;
	int delete=0;
	if (argc != 2) {
		printf(Usage: ./test_shm -c|-g|-d\n -c for create shared memory\n -g for get shared memory\n -d delete the shared memory\n);
	if (strcmp(argv[1],-c) == 0) {
		shmflg = IPC_CREAT | 0666;
	}else if (strcmp(argv[1],-g) == 0) {
		shmflg = 0666;
	} else if (strcmp(argv[1],-d) == 0) {
		shmflg = 0666;
		delete = 1;
	} else {
		printf(Usage: ./test_shm -c|-g|-d\n -c for create\n -g for get shared memory\n -d delete the shared memory\n);

	for (i=0;i  sizeof(test_shm)/sizeof(test_shm[0]); ++i) {
		test_shm[i].shmid = shmget(test_shm[i].key, test_shm[i].size, shmflg);
		printf(\tid=%#8.8x = shmget(key=%#8.8x, size=%#8.8lx, flag=%#o)\n,
			test_shm[i].shmid, test_shm[i].key, test_shm[i].size, shmflg);
		if (test_shm[i].shmid == -1) {
			printf(ERROR: shmget failed for shmkey=0x%)x\n, test_shm[i].key);

	if (delete == 1) {
		for (i=0;i  sizeof(test_shm)/sizeof(test_shm[0]); ++i) {
			struct shmid_ds buf;
			int const r = shmctl(test_shm[i].shmid, IPC_RMID, buf);
			printf(\tr=%d = shmctl(id=%#8.8x, op=%x)\n, r, test_shm[i].shmid, IPC_RMID);
			if (r!=0) {
printf(ERROR: shmctl failed for shmkey=0x%x)\n, test_shm[i].key);
		printf(INFO: All shared memories are deleted\n);
		return n_err;

	/* Now we attach the segment to our data space. */
	for (i=0;i  sizeof(test_shm)/sizeof(test_shm[0]); ++i) {
		test_shm[i].shm = shmat(test_shm[i].shmid, 0, 0);
		printf(\t%p = shmat(key=%#8.8x, 0, 0)\n, test_shm[i].shm, test_shm[i].shmid);
		if (test_shm[i].shm == (char *) -1) {
			printf(ERROR: shmat failed for shmkey=0x%x\n, test_shm[i].key);

	for (i=0;i  sizeof(test_shm)/sizeof(test_shm[0]); ++i) {
		int const r = shmdt(test_shm[i].shm);
		printf(\t%#x = shmdt(addr=%p)\n, r, test_shm[i].shm);
		if (r !=0 ) {
			printf(ERROR: shmdt failed for shmkey=0x%x\n, test_shm[i].key);
		return n_err;

	printf(INFO: exit success\n);

$ /usr/local/valgrind-3.8.0/bin/valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full 
--track-origins=yes ./shmtest -c
==3629== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==3629== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==3629== Using Valgrind-3.8.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==3629== Command: ./shmtest -c
id=0x0035000e = 

Re: [Valgrind-users] Valgrind for Windows update

2012-08-14 Thread Christoph Schwarz
On 13/08/2012 2:54 PM, Julian Seward wrote:

 Hi Christoph,

 Thanks for the update.  It's great to hear this is being worked on.
Hi Julian, nice to hear from you. I've been working on this project for 
about a year now, and I am 100% sure that there can be a working 
Valgrind for Windows one day. There are no unsolvable problems, it's 
only a matter of effort. However my time is limited so the reason for 
posting is to raise awareness about this project and hopefully attract 
more developers.

 Simple applications can be run, compiled with MSVC or GCC, even GUI ones
 (MessageBox). Memory errors (buffer overruns, uninitialized memory,
 memory leaks) are detected for 32 bit apps. The instrumentation, system
 calls -including callbacks from system calls-, function redirection,
 work in principle.

 The biggest issues right now are stability and making progress in the
 following areas:
 1. debug information parsing, especially PDB, especially 64 bit
 2. stack walking, both 32 and 64 bit
 3. function redirection on 64 bit (32 bit seems to work)

 How well does it run GUI apps with --tool=none?  I ask because 'none'
 does not require any debuginfor reading to work, and so it is a good test
 for how well your basic control-flow, memory management, etc, stuff works.
--tool=none works much better than --tool=memcheck. I basically test 
with a simple MessageBox test program. I got the box pop up on Win32 
and Win64 but not under Wow64. I can drag the box around and close it by 
clicking the button.
I also tried to run Windows calculator. On Win32, the calculator 
displays and I can open the menu bar. However, if I click any menu item 
or button, the program stops abruptly.
Win64 calculator stopped because of a misaligned memory access before 
displaying its window.
I have not looked into those issues as my focus is on non-GUI applications.

 What are the problems with stack walking?
Basically incomplete call stacks (displaying only one frame) or 
incorrect location information. I filed several tickets on V4Ws tracker 
describing the issues in detail.
The current implementation uses dbghelp's StackWalk function, however I 
would prefer a solution that does not rely on this DLL but rather uses 
its own implementation, like Linux.


Live Security Virtual Conference
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Valgrind-users mailing list

[Valgrind-users] DRD client request to disable CondRaceErr

2012-08-14 Thread Leif Walsh
I want to signal a pthread condition variable without holding the
associated mutex.  DRD (correctly) flags this as an error, but I want
to suppress the error.  I'd like to do it with a client request like
DRD_IGNORE_VAR.  I tried putting this on the cond and the mutex, and
the error is still reported.  Using --gen-suppressions won't work
because there are lots of different stacks that trigger this, and the
optimizer, especially with -flto, messes with the function names in a
different way each time we build.  Is there any other way to suppress
this error?  I see ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_* but they are all no-ops.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] DRD client request to disable CondRaceErr

2012-08-14 Thread Julian Seward
On Tuesday, August 14, 2012, Leif Walsh wrote:
 I want to signal a pthread condition variable without holding the
 associated mutex.

Hmm, you really really want to do that and 110% understand the possible
races that could result?  I looked at a situation like this in NSPR some
time back and found it extremely difficult to convince myself that the
code was really safe.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] DRD client request to disable CondRaceErr

2012-08-14 Thread Leif Walsh
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Julian Seward wrote:
 Hmm, you really really want to do that and 110% understand the possible
 races that could result?

Yep, I really do want to do that.  I really do not care about the
race.  I suppose I could switch to a semaphore or something and hope
that makes it go away, but I would rather tell valgrind what I want
than change my code to fit valgrind.

 I looked at a situation like this in NSPR some
 time back and found it extremely difficult to convince myself that the
 code was really safe.



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] DRD client request to disable CondRaceErr

2012-08-14 Thread Julian Seward
On Tuesday, August 14, 2012, Leif Walsh wrote:
 because there are lots of different stacks that trigger this, and the
 optimizer, especially with -flto, messes with the function names in a
 different way each time we build. 

Does it mess with the names so much that you can't use the * and ? 
wildcards, and the ... frame level wildcard, to reduce the number of
suppressions to a manageable number?


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] DRD client request to disable CondRaceErr

2012-08-14 Thread Leif Walsh
This may work, I forgot you could use wildcards in function names.
I'll come back if it doesn't.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Julian Seward wrote:
 On Tuesday, August 14, 2012, Leif Walsh wrote:
 because there are lots of different stacks that trigger this, and the
 optimizer, especially with -flto, messes with the function names in a
 different way each time we build.

 Does it mess with the names so much that you can't use the * and ?
 wildcards, and the ... frame level wildcard, to reduce the number of
 suppressions to a manageable number?



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] shmat parameters are modified by valgrind

2012-08-14 Thread Philippe Waroquiers
On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 10:20 +, Adishesh wrote:
 I have used below program for testing. Below are the steps I have
 Compile: gcc -g3 test_shm.c -o test_shm
 Create shared memory: ./test_shm –c
 Get shared memory without valgrind: ./test_shm –g ( this works fine)
 Get with valgrind: /usr/bin/valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full
 --track-origins=yes --log-file=/tmp/val_log /home/rtp99/test_shm –g
 With valgrind shmat command fails.
Can you try again after applying the attached patch ?



Index: coregrind/m_syswrap/syswrap-generic.c
--- coregrind/m_syswrap/syswrap-generic.c   (revision 12872)
+++ coregrind/m_syswrap/syswrap-generic.c   (working copy)
@@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@
 /* -- */
-UInt get_shm_size ( Int shmid )
+SizeT get_shm_size ( Int shmid )
 #ifdef __NR_shmctl
 #  ifdef VKI_IPC_64
@@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@
if (sr_isError(__res))
   return 0;
-   return buf.shm_segsz;
+   return (SizeT) buf.shm_segsz;
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@
  UWord arg0, UWord arg1, UWord arg2 )
/* void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg); */
-   UInt  segmentSize = get_shm_size ( arg0 );
+   SizeT  segmentSize = get_shm_size ( arg0 );
UWord tmp;
Bool  ok;
if (arg1 == 0) {
@@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@
   UWord res,
   UWord arg0, UWord arg1, UWord arg2 )
-   UInt segmentSize = VG_PGROUNDUP(get_shm_size(arg0));
+   SizeT segmentSize = VG_PGROUNDUP(get_shm_size(arg0));
if ( segmentSize  0 ) {
   Bool d;
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
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Valgrind-users mailing list