Re: Valhalla EG minutes Jan 31, 3018

2018-02-14 Thread Brian Goetz

> Q: Is there a nestmate relationship between top level classes that share the 
> same source file?
> A: No. Being defined in the same source file is not sufficient to have a 
> nestmate relationship.

More precisely: that’s up to the language compiler.  If the rules of your 
language say that these classes are nest mates, they are nest mates.  

By default, Java will likely not treat them as nest mates.

Re: Valhalla EG minutes Jan 31, 3018

2018-02-14 Thread Karen Kinnear
A clarification below:

> On Feb 13, 2018, at 6:26 PM, Karen Kinnear  wrote:
> attendees: Tobi, Dan Smith, Dan Heidinga, Karen Kinnear
> AIs:
> Dan S: Condy SOE circularity issue:
>   - sent 
>  - additional feedback welcome
> David Holmes: JVMTI spec updates for nestmates:
>  - feedback welcome
> All: please review LWorld Value Types and JVMS proposals
>   note: updated versions from early reviews: 
> I. Condy:
>  JVMS in finali stages - any open issues?
>  Dan H - not seeing any major issues
>  Dan S - Alex Buckley is reviewing prior to incorporating into JVMS
>   revising circularity detection - currently flexibility is a bit too 
> nondeterministic
>   clarifying when StackOverflowError happens - backedge of cycle,
>   i.e. static arguments are resolved before SOE
>  Nested BSM invocations on a single thread - the deepest one wins
> II. Nestmates
>  JVMS review?
>  Dan H: looks reasonable, including IAE change for invokeinterface 
> non-public/non-private method
>  Question about whether we have explicitly shared javac changes for 
> inner/outer classes with Eclipse/IntelliJ
>  - note: javac did not add nestmate changes for multiple top level 
> classes in the same source
Q: Is there a nestmate relationship between top level classes that share the 
same source file?
A: No. Being defined in the same source file is not sufficient to have a 
nestmate relationship.
>  - feel free to share, or to invite a contact to track the 
> spec-observers, or to contact us directly
> III. Value Types - LWorld
>   Karen walked through beginning of proposal: 
>   we got as far as the Nullability and migration Open Design Issues.
> Summary:
> 1. java.lang.Object as root
> 2. value types have no identity, ever, there are no boxes and no implicit 
> conversions ever
> 3. common bytecodes between object class (ID class?) and value class
>   except for new  vs. defaultvalue/withfield
> 3. migration ok object class -> value class, but not the reverse
> 4. to maximize ability to support existing code for
>a) methods and fields that refer to Objects or Object[] which now will 
> also see value classes
>b) migration of value-based-classes to value types with e.g. caller/callee 
> unchanged - to continue working
> we are proposing handling nullability by allowing value types to be nullable 
> in general.
> The proposal is to have a field (or array) declaration declare if a value 
> type is ACC_FLATTENABLE - i.e.
> if it is non-nullable, then it may be flattenable if the JVM chooses to.
> This proposal allows removing all Q-descriptors.
> Note that with a caller/callee/actual class separate compilation/migration 
> challenge - only the actual
> class knows whether it is a value type or not.
> Open question for prototyping: can we get the JIT performance optimizations 
> we need?
> Discussion:
> Dan S - how hard would it be to add Q’s to descriptors?
> Frederic - we have proposed a way to handle Q descriptors for fields and 
> methods
>- we need to deal with signature mismatch between
>caller/callee (accessor/declarer) and the actual class that is loaded
>so internally the JVM would need to store both an all-L “canonical” 
> signature for handling signature searches
>as well as inheritance/overriding, as well as reflection, jvmti, etc. 
>- and then would need to consult the Q-descriptor to see what was claimed
>- and then would have to consult the actual loaded class to see whether we 
> actually have a Qtype
>- and if so far we only have null e.g. as a method argument, we may not 
> yet have loaded the class, …
>- note: there are NO conversions (implicit or explicit) - in an actual 
> runtime, Foo is always actually
>  either a value type or an object type 
>- so without the Q descriptor - this is simpler - there is only one 
> namespace
> Dan S: 
>  - what about using Q-signature to mean flattenable/non-nullability?
> Frederic: yes - if we had a fresh implementation that would work well, with 
> the migration it does not
>  note: no heisenboxes, no accidental identity
>  method call: sig L: do not know L vs. Q until we load the type
>  the intentional model here is that most bytecodes do not care - they 
> work either way
> except for new and defaultvalue/withfield
> note: other bytecodes have different behaviors - e.g. putfield can 
> not write to a value type immutable instance field
> Dan H: What about JIT performance?
> Frederic: for the hotspot JIT, we have loaded the signature types before we 
> compile
> Dan H: