Clayton Weise wrote:
I converted from cdb to mysql a while back and I just now noticed an
oddity.  My understanding of vpopmail before was that it would
automatically do directory hashing based on the number of domains and/or
accounts.  When we switched over from cdb to mysql authentication about
2 years ago it seems to have stopped doing it at a domain level.  I
didn't really notice until now because I just haven't paid close enough
attention to the number of domains we have added during that time.  I
seem to remember something about the directory hashing breaking during
the conversion from a post a long time ago but I don't recal.  I've used
the 'vcdir' program from the contrib directory but that only seems to
convert specific domains.
We were using vpopmail 5.3.x (don't remember the specific version) at
the time we converted and are currently running 5.4.10.  Can anybody
help shed some light on the issue?


I'm still looking into that one as I can't seem to find an answer either. I moved from cdb to mysql and my largest domain ( just stopped hashing users. When the dir "u" got to 1200 users I just finally changed the value of vpopmail.dir_control.the_dir from "u" to "v" manually in MySQL for that domain. I currently only have 58 users in "v" so I don't know if hashing will start again or not.

I am also running 5.4.10 and don't plan to upgrade as I have some patches that will not easily move over (I'll have to do it manually).

What I really would like to know is the purpose of each field in dir_control and how they are used. As I don't know C, and have little time (I'm working on Saturday as it is...), the progress is slow. I did have a post on what I had discovered but I never got an answer back as to the validity of my assumptions.

To read my posts on this look in the archives and search for the subject "Who can tell me exactly how dir_control works?" and you should get all the posts. Any light you can shed on this issue would be greatly appreciated.


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