
I've done a few qmail installs before, but this is my first time trying 
vpopmail.  I'm sure this question has been addressed before but I couldn't 
find it in the mailing list archives or in any of the documentation so 
please accept my apologies.

The problem is that I find myself unable to send mail to domains I've added 
in vpopmail.

Messing around with qmail-inject, I can send mail to users with system 
accounts, but I get a bounce back message with the error "Sorry, no mailbox 
here by that name. (#5.1.1)" when I try to send to users I've added via 

What's odd is, when I send mail using the vpopbull command, it's delivered 
properly and I can pop it as expected.

There must be something trivial that I forgot to do.  I can gladly post any 
config / log file output that would prove helpful in solving this issue.

Thanks in advance,

   -Brian Murphy 

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