while we're on the subject of inter7 abandoning the software, shall we discuss inter7's abandonment of administration of the mailing list too?

Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 19:10:19 -0700
X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.41 (Entity 5.404)
Subject: Your FAX to +14159408776
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=3.2 required=5.0
X-Spam-Level: ***
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.55 (


We regret to inform you that the phone number you attempted
to reach is not currently being served by a remote printer
operator. Your original message is attached so that you may
send it by alternative means.

We hope to have coverage in this area -- perhaps
you know somebody who could operate a remote printer server?
Does your ISP provide fax coverage in your local area?  If not,
perhaps they would benefit by setting up a fax server and
joining TPC.INT. Speak with your ISP and show them why they
might want to come online as a TPC "cell":


It's possible of course that you have not composed the TPC.INT-style address correctly, so here's a few examples. Note that we do not use international dialing codes but we do require the country codes.

remote-printer.Arlington_Hewes/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(to send a fax to Arlington Hewes in Room 403, at the FAX
number, in England (where the country code is 44), of +44 181

remote-printer.Paul_Katz/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(to send a fax to Paul Katz in The Manor at the FAX number, in
North America (where the country code is 1) of +1 902 584 2817)

If you're still unclear on the address format we require, please
send for a copy of the FAQ, or visit our WWW pages.

*****PLEASE NOTE*******

TPC.INT does not consider unsolicited commercial mass mailings
an acceptable use of the network.  Individuals suspected of
abusing this policy will be banned from using it pending
investigation.  We regret that such measures are necessary,
but abuse of TPC.INT can force cells to close, and must be
prevented when possible.  Please be considerate - TPC.INT is
for everyone.


Mr. Arlington Hewes             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The TPC.INT Subdomain            http://www.tpc.int/

       ***  FOR GENERAL INFORMATION                   ***
       ***         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         ***
       ***  FOR A LIST OF CURRENT COVERAGE            ***
       ***         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       ***
       ***  TO REPORT A PROBLEM (read the FAQ first!) ***
       ***         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        ***
At 03:37 PM 9/9/2003, Ms. Catherine Kouzmanoff wrote:
Good afternoon Paul,
I'm afraid you too may have taken this personally.
I choose my grammatically inferred semantics wisey. Remember, may, is only a possibility.

well, we can play "wisey" word games all day. You *may* be a controlling sociopathic misanthrope. Or you *may* be an anencephalic troll. The tone of your comments was one of tarring Mr. Collins by implying ulterior motives where he explicitly stated the opposite - not exactly a new low in rhetoric, but one you should publicly apologize for, in my opinion.

I understand your email as a misunderstanding to the position Inter7 is taking: we want to be able to support Tom Collins.

You *are* able to. Simply put aside the ego. Ken/inter7 have no practical need for administrative rights to the sourceforge project. this is an empirical datum. you have an emotional need, apparently though. one derived from the apparent emotional need to control it, ignoring the GPL license you chose to publish it under.

get over yourselves. you abandoned vpopmail. your own support staff were unable to support your paying customers - they had to go to the vpopmail mailing list for help, and once there were helped by *the community*, not their vendor. that's a pretty shocking indictment of your support for the software.

Rejoice in the good things.

indeed, such as the GPL.

learn it. know it. live it.

cooperate with Tom, who went to the trouble of supporting your software when you abandoned it. oh, and of course, if you protest that you did not abandoned it, i'll be forced to repost the dozens and dozens of postings to the list from last year from people asking questions, asking for help, and submitting patches, which were *totally ignored* by inter7.

The community stepped in to fill the void. Now that the community is virtually self-supporting, you want to waltz in and take control of it.


Paul Theodoropoulos http://www.anastrophe.com

Paul Theodoropoulos http://www.anastrophe.com

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