
Sorry for the cross posting but this is actually relevant to both lists.

Firstly i am using the attached maildrop filter to filter spam using the 
following in my .qmail-default for each domain:

| preline /usr/bin/maildrop /etc/spamassassin/mailfilter

I have used qmailadmin to setup forwarding for a number of accounts and also 
keep a copy of the email. Qmailadmin does this by creating a .qmail file in 
the user's Maildir, not in the domain directory. e.g.:


Now it seems that with the above .qmail-default file the .qmail file in the 
user's directory is not processed. It seems that the way to get around this 
is to move the .qmail file into the domain directory. I don't suppose anyone 
has written a patch for qmailadmin to achieve this?

Can any one see another way around this problem?

vpopmail 5.3.18
qmailadmin 1.0.12

cheers, Iain.

import EXT
import HOST
VPOP="| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox"
# logfile "/var/log/maildrop.log"

# Test to see if user exists
`/usr/bin/test -d /home/vpopmail/domains/$HOST/$EXT`
if( $RETURNCODE != 0 )
        echo 'Sorry, no mailbox here by that name.  vpopmail (#5.1.1)'
#               log "bouncing"

VHOME=`/home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if ($SIZE < 262144)
        exception {
                xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

if ((/^X-Spam-Flag:.*YES/))
   exception {
           `test -d $VHOME/Maildir/.SPAM`
   if( $RETURNCODE == 1 )
           exception {
                   `maildirmake $VHOME/Maildir/.SPAM;chown -R vpopmail.vchkpw 
   exception {
           `/usr/local/bin/movespam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   if( $RETURNCODE == 0 )
           exception {
                   to "$VHOME/Maildir/.SPAM/"
   exception {
           to "$VPOP"

exception {
        to "$VPOP"

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