On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 20:12, anton heryanto wrote:

> Rick Romero wrote:
> >I'm not familiar with squid, but I'd do this:
> >
> >1. make sure squid is using the same database/table as vpopmail
> >2. make sure squid is looking at the right columns for the username
> >password.
> >
> >I think it's pretty straight forward.  Add the necessary squid columns
> >to the vpopmail table, and tell squid to use pw_name and pw_clear_passwd
> >to auth, if you can.
> i have do this, and i successes but ionly if i use the clear password and only 
> username and password field, thing that I want to know is how to read
> vpopmail password encryption using mysql query :-) 

I don't know know anything about the encryption, but IIRC, you can't
READ the vpopmail encryption, you have to encrypt the password received,
and compare that to what vpopmail has stored.

> >Your best resource for where to do that in Squid would be the Squid
> >list..
> >
> >But then, I would recommend also taking a look at what samba requires. 
> >You wouldn't want to spend time hacking up Squid auth, only to find that
> >it doesn't work with Samba. (I would think Squid would be the easiest to
> >integrate)
> yea, you right i have think it too, and next i want to vpopmail using samba (NT)
> encryption method, because it come from windows and cannot be change!!
I would think the hardest integration would be the Samba side, so I
would start there, then add vpopmail and squid your Samba PDC.   It
looks like the Red Hat link I gave you isn't quite done with their
integration, but if you have the time - work with the Red Hat guys to
get it all working.  I'd bet that whatever they do on that site will end
up as a minimum $300 server product.  Single Sign-on (SSO) is on
everyones wish list, but it's hard to accomplish.  

At work, I use Netware 5.1 and Mercury/32 to accomplish file/mail SSO
integration, and export NDS as LDAP to allow for non Pegasus Mail (NDS
mail client) address books.  If I wanted squid/proxy auth, I assume I
could use LDAP, or just buy Novell's BorderManager.
It's not free, but it's stable and it works.  I'm sure you can do it
with MS products also - but I don't know what your motivation is: Free?
Non-MS?  Stability?  Reliability? OS of the Month? :)

> >Please reply to the list, while I try to be helpful, I'm not necessarily
> >knowledgeable, and peer review can hopefully correct any mistakes I may
> >make (or give you a different road to follow).
>thank's a lot for you attention and advice
>(btw sorry my english very bad  :-[ ) 
Your English is fine, your quoting sucks :)  See if your mail client
does inline quoting.


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