
I have written a conversion script which works reasonably good.
I just tested it to move my sendmail server to vpopmail. It worked like
charm :) 9000 users and 600 domains in one server. All seem to be in right
place :) There are few bugs to work around though. More info is located in
the script.

It is able to process virtusertable file and aliases file too including
system quotas to vpopmail quotas and more...

It works with vpopmail+mysql setups...

I dont keep up a web page for the scripts etc. but I thought vpopmail
community could benefit from this script. Perhaps somebody could put it
to web for downloads etc.


# USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Sendmail2Vpopmail.pl v0.0.1  Date:21.07.2003
# v0.0.2        * Fixed the bug in chmod/chown not working and default forwards
#                 limit not assigned.
# v0.0.3        * Fixed the bug of creating aliases/forwards with . inside
# This script "should" convert sendmail users including users from virtusertable
# files to vpopmail. It only works for vpopmail installations which DOES NOT
# utilize LARGE_SITE. Although it would be trivial to include large site support.
# Script also can read the system quota limits for the directory where the mail
# of users is located and transfer it to vpopmail system
# * Supports converting system quotas
# * Supports setting a minimum quota for users with or without quota
# * Supports setting a default quota if system quota is not used
#   or if a user doesnt have system quota
# * Supports virtusertable file
# * Supports setting QmailAdmin and vQadmin limits
# * Supports system traditional system mail spool directory or
#   if the mail is stored in user directory.
# * Supports processing of password file for a default domain name
#   for the users which do not exist in virtusertable
# * Suports creating aliases or forwards from virtusertable file for
#   users whouse virtual username is not same with system username
# * Supports putting all users to default domain without processing
#   virtusertable file
# * Supports creating duplicate accounts in default domain for the 
#   users already processed in virtusertable file
# * Supports processing of alias file
# * Works with DES or MD5 passwords on FreeBSD
# * Script could log its actions...
# * LARGE_SITE support...
# * Script could support aliases file better...
# * Cleaning variables!
# * There is no simple way to know (at least for me) the domain's directory
#   path in vpopmail system. This script is just assuming that since postmaster
#   is the first account to be created, it must be in the domain's first
#   level. Then extracts one directory and finds the domain directory.
# * If a username is aliased to aliased alias then this wont work.
#   If somebody knows how to fix this then please contact me!
# * Too many variables used...
# * If a username is under multiple virtual domains, then it wont be
#   created for the other domains. (unless duplicate is selected?)
# For any comments or if you add new features, please contact with me.
# Evren Yurtesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# I have tested this script on a FreeBSD system with about 10000 users with
# quotas and the mail files stored on user directories. The rest is untested!
# So if you have any experiences please write!

#there is no doubt these modules MUST be installed in your system! :)
use DBI;
use Quota;

# debuglevel: increase the number for more and more messages
# currently only 0-10-20 levels exist
#waiting time after a debug message

#system alias file
#if an empty file is given then it will be ignored
#(/dev/null would suffice perhaps)
#it is needed if you have been using alias file in
#conjunction with virtusertable file. For example
#if you have this in your virtusertable file
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    abc
#and in your alias file
#abc:   abc1,abc2,abc3

#system virtusertable file
#if an empty file is given then all users in password file 
#will be added to defaultdomain (/dev/null would suffice)

#do you want to create all users in password file, also in the
#default domain? even if they were previously created because
#they exist in virtusertable file? if set to 1 then duplicates
#will be created

#FreeBSD password file (might work for Linux shadow?)a

#do you want to use system quota? if enabled then the script
#will find the hard limit of the user.
#the inode limit is not processed!
#to disable, set to 0

#default quota for all moved users (in bytes) or if SYSTEMQUOTA
#is set, then this effects the users who doesnt have quota if
#DEFAULTQUOTA is set to 0 then the users wont have quota if
#SYSTEMQUOTA is also disabled. If SYSTEMQUOTA is enabled then the
#users who doesnt have system quotas will not have quota

#well considering the hard drive technology is advancing quite fast,
#you might want to increase the minimum quota for your users.
#lets say if they have a quota of 6000kbyte then you can increase
#it to 10000kbyte if MINQUOTA is set to 10000.
#if the user has 12000kbyte then it wont effect anything
#if set to 0 then it wont have effect (obviously)
#if you are not checking SYSTEMQUOTA then MINQUOTA does not have
#any effect

#minimum and maximum userid's while processing the password file
#this is required so that you wont process root account etc.
#accidentally and make an email address with root password!
#it wouldnt be nice :p


#default domain limits for qmailadmin etc. will have this quotas etc.
#a value of 0 disables that functionality.

#are you using spool directory 0 or user homedirs 1 to store mail?
#system mail spool directory (do not set it if user inboxes are in their homedirs)!
#inbox file (set it to location of inbox of user inside his directory if user inboxes
#are in their homedirs);
#$INBOX=$sysuname; #sets the user INBOX name to his username

#the default vpopmail directory
#the domains directory and bin directory must be inside!

#default domain for users which are not in virtusertable
#if set to "none" only users in virtusertable is processed.
#be aware that it is not possible to process a single domain
#excluding the users in virtusertable file without processing
#the virtusertable file

#default postmaster password for all domains

#sql settings

#configuration ends here-----------------------------------------------

#open virtusertable file
open(MYVIRTFILE,"< $VIRTFILE") or die "I could not open $VIRTFILE exiting ....";

#open password file and put into an array, since we will use this MANY times
open(MYPASSFILEH,"< $PASSFILE") or die "I could not open $PASSFILE exiting ....";

#open alias file and put into an array, since we will use this MANY times   
open(MYALIASFILEH,"< $ALIASFILE") or die "I could not open $ALIASFILE exiting ....";

#connect to database...
$dbh = 
    or die "I could not connect $SQL_DATABASE at $SQL_SERVER with $SQL_USERNAME 
identified by $SQL_PASSWORD";

#reset some variables, just to be sure :)

#Go through the virtusertable file
while( $line=<MYVIRTFILE> ) {
  #just skip the lines which doesnt have any meaning for us...
  if ($line =~ /@/ && ! ($line =~ /^#/ ) ) {
    #parse the virtusertable and find virtusername, virtuserdomain, systemusername
    @values=split(/[\ \t]+/,$line);
    $values[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    $values[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    #put virtuser values to variables
    #detect if we already processed some stuff in a previous run...
    foreach $elem (@donedom) {
      if($elem eq $domain) {
    foreach $elem (@doneuser) {
      if($elem eq $sysuname) {
    #do not do anything for stuff we wont need
    if ( $sysuname =~ /error:/ || $virtuname eq "") {
      if($DEBUG >= 20) {
        print("Not searching default user password for domain $domain. Simply 
needless... \n");
    } else {


#process the default domain
print("\n\nProcessing default domain $DEFAULTDOMAIN \n");
print("It might take a while. You can monitor your SQL \n");
print("database or vpopmail domains directory to see \n");
print("what is going on \n\n\n");


print ("Setting user/group owners and access rights\n");
`chmod -R go-rwx $VPOPMAILHOMEDIR/domains`;

print ("Number of domains processed:\t\t\t\t",$#donedom + 1,"\n");
print ("Number of virtusers processed:\t\t\t\t",$#doneuser + 1,"\n");
print ("Number of system users processed:\t\t\t",$#doneuser + 1 + $countvpopuser,"\n");
if ($DUPLICATE ne 0) {
  print ("Number of default domain users processed:\t\t",@doneuser1 + 1,"\n");
} else {
  print ("Number of default domain users processed:\t\t",$countdefaultdomain,"\n");
print ("Number of aliases processed:\t\t\t\t", $countalias,"\n");
print ("Number of aliases from alias file processed:\t\t",@donealias + 1,"\n");
print ("Number of forwards processed:\t\t\t\t",$countforward,"\n");
print ("Number of forwards from alias file processed:\t\t",$countaliasforward,"\n");


sub processalias { 
#now we could stop processing if the user is created already
#but god(root?) knows if alias is aliased to itself
  foreach $line2 (@MYALIASFILE) {
    if( ( ! ($line2 =~ /^#/) ) && $_[0] ne "PROCESS_WHOLE_ALIAS_FILE") {
      $aliasname=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
      if ($sysuname eq $aliasname) {
        foreach $line3 (@aliastgt) {
          $line3=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
          if( $line3 =~ /@/) {
            if($DEBUG >= 10) {
              print("Creating forward for user [EMAIL PROTECTED] to $line3 \n");
            $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pw_dir FROM  vpopmail  where 
pw_name='postmaster'  and pw_domain='$domain'");
            while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
              $mdir= $$ref[0];
            #fix the aliases with . inside to :
            $virtuname1=~ s/(.+)\.(.+)/$1\:$2/g;
            open(OUTFILE, ">$mdir/../.qmail-$virtuname1");
            print OUTFILE "&$line3";
            close (OUTFILE);  
          } else {
            if($DEBUG >= 20) {
              print("Creating $line3 which is aliased from the alias $sysuname in 
virtusertable \n");

sub createaliasforward {
  #do not create an alias for the user we already created
  if ($virtuname ne $sysuname) {
    if ($sysuname =~ /error:/ ) {
      if($DEBUG >= 20) {
        print("We do not create aliases for error messages at $domain to $sysuname\n");
    } else {
      if ($virtuname eq "") {
        if($DEBUG >= 20) {
          print("Changing default email address to catchall account for $domain [EMAIL 
      #figure out if this is a forward or alias
      if($sysuname =~ /@/) {
        if($DEBUG >= 10) {
          print("Creating forward for user [EMAIL PROTECTED] to $sysuname \n");
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pw_dir FROM  vpopmail  where pw_name='postmaster' 
 and pw_domain='$domain'");
        while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
          $mdir= $$ref[0];
        #fix the aliases with . inside to :
        $virtuname1=~ s/(.+)\.(.+)/$1\:$2/g;
        open(OUTFILE, ">$mdir/../.qmail-$virtuname1");
        print OUTFILE "&$sysuname";
        close (OUTFILE);
      } else {
        if($DEBUG >= 10) {
          print("Creating Alias for User [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n");
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pw_dir FROM  vpopmail  where pw_name='postmaster' 
 and pw_domain='$domain'");
        while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
          $mdir= $$ref[0];
        #fix the aliases with . inside to :
        $virtuname1=~ s/(.+)\.(.+)/$1\:$2/g;
        open(OUTFILE, ">$mdir/../.qmail-$virtuname1");
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pw_dir FROM  vpopmail  where pw_name='$sysuname'  
and pw_domain='$domain'");
        while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
          $mdir= $$ref[0];
        print OUTFILE "$mdir/Maildir/\n";
        close (OUTFILE);

sub createvpopmailuser {
  foreach $line1 (@MYPASSFILE) {
    if( ( ! ($line1 =~ /^#/) ) && $_[0] eq "PROCESS_WHOLE_PASSWORD_FILE") {
      if ($SPOOL eq 0) {
    if( ( ! ($line1 =~ /^#/) ) && $_[0] eq $values2[0]) {
      if ($SPOOL eq 0) {
    if ( ($values2[2] < $MINUID || $values2[2] > $MAXUID) && $userdone eq 0) {
      if ($DEBUG >= 10 && $userdone eq 0) {
        print("Skipping creation of users UID less than $MINUID or more than 
        print("Please process virtual accounts pointing to system account $sysuname 
    #detect if we already processed some stuff...
    foreach $elem (@donedom) {
      if($elem eq $domain) {
    if($DUPLICATE eq 0) {
      #if the username has @ then its forward...
      foreach $elem (@doneuser) {
        if($elem eq $sysuname || $sysuname =~ /@/ ) {
    } else {
      foreach $elem (@doneuser1) {
        if($elem eq $sysuname || $sysuname =~ /@/ ) {
    if ($DEBUG >= 20 && $userdone eq 0) {
      print("System Username:UID:Password:Home/Spool Directory: 
$sysuname:$sysuid:$syspass:$SYSDIR \n");
    #if we are creating a user for this domain first time.
    if ($domaindone ne 1) {
      print("Creating domain $domain and user(s)\n");
      `$VPOPMAILHOMEDIR/bin/vadddomain  $domain  $POSTMASTERPASSWORD`;
      $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pw_dir FROM  vpopmail  where pw_name='postmaster'  
and pw_domain='$domain'");
      while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
        $mdir= $$ref[0];
      open(OUTFILE, ">$mdir/../.qmailadmin-limits");
      print OUTFILE "maxpopaccounts: $DEFAULTDOMUSERLIMIT\n";
      print OUTFILE "maxaliases: $DEFAULTALIASLIMIT\n";
      print OUTFILE "maxforwards: $DEFAULTFORWARDSLIMIT\n";
      print OUTFILE "maxautoresponders: $DEFAULTAUTORESPONDERLIMIT\n";
      print OUTFILE "maxmailinglists: $DEFAULTMAILLISTLIMIT\n";
      print OUTFILE "default_quota: $DEFAULTDOMQUOTA\n";
      close (OUTFILE);
    #if we didnt create this user yet, somewhere else, sometime ago.
    if ($userdone ne 1) {
      #statistics :)
      if ($SYSTEMQUOTA eq 1) {
        $arg = Quota::getqcarg($SYSDIR);
        ($block_curr, $block_soft, $block_hard, $block_timelimit,
            $inode_curr, $inode_soft, $inode_hard, $inode_timelimit) =
      } else {
      if($block_hard ne "") {
        if ($block_hard < $MINQUOTA) {
        $QUOTA="$block_hard" ."000S";
        if($DEBUG >= 10) {
          print("Creating User [EMAIL PROTECTED] with quota $QUOTA \n");
        `$VPOPMAILHOMEDIR/bin/vadduser -q $QUOTA  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  $sysuname`;  
      } else {
        if ($DEFAULTQUOTA ne 0) {
          if($DEBUG >= 10) {
            print("Creating User [EMAIL PROTECTED] with default quota $DEFAULTQUOTA 
        } else {
          if($DEBUG >= 10) {
            print("Creating User [EMAIL PROTECTED] without quota \n");
          `$VPOPMAILHOMEDIR/bin/vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED]  $sysuname`;
      #update the vpopmail pasword with the system password
      $dbh->do("UPDATE vpopmail SET pw_passwd='$syspass'  where pw_name='$sysuname' 
and pw_domain='$domain'");
      $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pw_dir FROM  vpopmail  where pw_name='$sysuname'  
and pw_domain='$domain'");
      while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
        $mdir= $$ref[0];
      #copymails to user Maildir converting...
      if ($DEBUG >= 20) {
        print("User mail file $MAILBOXDIR \n");
      if ( -e "$MAILBOXDIR" ) { # if user has any mail in spool
        open(MAILSPOOL, "<$MAILBOXDIR") || next;
        $i = time;
        if($DEBUG >= 10) {
          print("Copying and converting $sysuname mail to $mdir \n");
        while(<MAILSPOOL>) {
          if (/^From /) {
            $filename = sprintf("%s/Maildir/new/%d.$$.mbox",$mdir, $i);
            open(MBOX, ">$filename") || die("Unable to create new message");;
          } #if ends
          s/^>From /From /;
          print MBOX || die ("Unable to write to new message");
        } #while mailspool ends
      } # if -e $MAILBOXDIR ends
      if ($DUPLICATE ne 0 && $domain eq $DEFAULTDOMAIN) {
      if ($domain eq $DEFAULTDOMAIN) {
        #for statistics

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