
I am sorry if this has been covered before on the list but I couldn't find it. 
Feel free to point me towards a previous post.

I have installed qmail with the starttls and smtp-auth patches. I am having 
some trouble getting smtp-auth working. I am using vpopmail version 5.2 with 
the following config options:

--enable-roaming-users=y --enable-tcprules-prog=/usr/bin/tcprules 
--enable-relay-clear-minutes=120 --enable-qmail-ext=y --enable-md5-passwords 
--enable-passwd=y --enable-logging=y --enable-clear-passwd=n

Now I understand that if I want to user cram-md5 I would need to enable clear 
passwds. However I can not get smtp-auth to work with PLAIN or LOGIN.

Actually it says that PLAIN is not supported and I get authentication errors 
when using LOGIN.

For example: 

I get the following in mail.log:

Aug 15 16:53:53 voffice vpopmail[9776]: vchkpw: system user not found 

My qmail-smtpd run using supervise is:

exec 2>&1
exec envdir ./env sh -c '
  exec /usr/bin/softlimit -m $MEMORYLIMIT \
  /usr/bin/envuidgid qmaild \
  /usr/bin/tcpserver -UHRDv -x tcp.cdb $IP smtp \
  /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd voffice.myspinach.org /usr/sbin/vchkpw /bin/true

Any help appreciated.

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