Hi to the vchkpw group,

I was successfully running a pop3 service for
qmail. However, I am now experiencing some
difficulties which i am hoping somebody can
help shed light on.

I am getting the following error from my mail
client Ximian Evolution on RedHat 9.0.

Unable to connect to POP server
Error sending password: (null)

Further, when I've telnetted into the POP3

    telnet 110

I do not get the banner message from
qmail-popup, and I get no response for any of
the strings i enter, i.e.,


or even when i am entering in jibberish i
still get no response.

I was running qmail and vpopmail successfully
before this so I am unsure of what the
problem could be now. It is just one of these
things that stopped working :>( .

For some background. My pop3 script looks as


env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
tcpserver -H -R 0 pop-3  \
mail.elvis4.infolearn \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

This is a copy of the output from the command,

    ps -aux

root       234  0.0  0.4  1240  292 ?       
S    21:48   0:00 supervise qmail-smtpd
root       236  0.0  0.4  1240  292 ?       
S    21:48   0:00 supervise qmail-send
qmaill     248  0.0  0.4  1252  284 ?       
S    21:48   0:00 multilog t ./main
qmaill     250  0.0  0.4  1252  284 ?       
S    21:48   0:00 multilog t ./main
qmails    1227  0.0  0.5  1300  372 ?       
S    23:07   0:00 qmail-send
root      1229  0.0  0.4  1252  300 ?       
S    23:07   0:00 qmail-lspawn |dot-forward
.forward?|preline procmail
qmailr    1230  0.0  0.4  1248  296 ?       
S    23:07   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq    1231  0.0  0.5  1248  324 ?       
S    23:07   0:00 qmail-clean
qmaild    1234  0.0  0.7  1304  496 ?       
S    23:07   0:00 tcpserver -v -R -l 0 -x
/etc/qmail/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 20 -u 71 -g 71 0
smtp qmail-smtpd
root      1239  0.0  0.7  1304  488 pts/1   
S    23:07   0:00 tcpserver -H -R 0 pop-3
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

I hope i have given enough information. 

All the best,
Phillip Lucs 

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