On 2010-01-19 6:13 PM, Remo Mattei wrote:
One thing I like about sqwebmail is that you can create rules which the
other do not (maildrop) at least I have not seen it yet.

SquirrelMail has a server-side filter plugin for maildrop filters:

http://squirrelmail.org/plugin_view.php?id=210 (v 1.42)

We've used this for years with a custom setuid vpopmail Perl script to auth the user against vpopmail's MySQL table, return the path to the user's Maildir and manipulate the filter file.

Latest code is at http://sourceforge.net/projects/serverfilters/, and from a quick glance at the docs apparently has virtual domains support built in. Looks to use the same basic idea: setuid and haul needed data from a given MySQL table.



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